Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Excellent Alternative to Give your Pet-- Homemade Dog Treats

By Geraldine Dimarco

They say that you can get a man's heart through feeding him good food. Well, they also say men are like dogs, right? Now, I don't know what that may mean to some but for this article, it simply means that dogs will be more affectionate towards you when you feed him yummy treats. There are several commercial pet food available but homemade dog treats are healthier and yummier for the animal.

Don't be too worried-it's not at all difficult to make delicious homemade canine fare. Really, there are easy homemade dog treats recipes available almost anywhere if you care to look for them. Find a well received canine website and they will likely have feature recipes and supplements that you can get for your own dog. These experts will help you in creating the perfect food plan for your pet.

You need to get your pet to the veterinarian to be examined before you begin any diet. The check-up will show if he has any disease that you must know about. Some health issues need specific care with regard to the nutrition the canine requires. Certain food may further impair any abnormality that must be avoided at all costs. On the other hand, you can give supplements and particular food groups that will improve and correct health issues.

You need to be knowledgeable about the food you give your dog. Some ingredients are very harmful to canines when ingested and some of these are chocolates, nuts, grapes, raisins, baby food, citrus oil, mushroom and caffeine. Onions and garlic in large quantities are also toxic to his system.

You know your own pet more than anyone so study what his particular tastes are and work around it. Make sure his meals have approximately two thirds of meat and vegetables, and one third of starch. Depending on your preference, you can serve them raw, semi-cooked or well-cooked-only make sure that you cut them in bite sized pieces to avoid the risk of them choking on his food.

Homemade dog treats are delicious when you serve them freshly cooked; however, you can always store them for convenience sake. Remember, dog food is pretty straightforward if you need it to be. You can always slice hotdogs into slivers and keep them in a zip locked bag in the freezer until you decide to use them. Thaw frozen treats out first before handing it out so Fido's teeth won't get hurt.

When you want to change your pet's diet from processed to homemade-do so gradually. Combine the fresh produce together with the dry feed, increasing the latter kind until it is all that they consume. As with any significant change in your dog, consult a trusted vet for his advice and recommendation.

Every pet owner can do these easy homemade dog treats anytime. They are not only healthier-your dog will surely enjoy expecting a yummy treat from you. Look around for tasty canine recipes and find out just how fun it is to have a happy dog at home.

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