Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dog Owner's Guide To Shih Tzu Training

By Toby Carr

Shih Tzu training is as important and as feasible as training other breed of dogs. Shih Tzu's sometimes called Lion dogs are regarded as one of the oldest types of dog.

Below are released Shih Tzu training pointers to guide dog owners:

In housebreaking, decide what strategy to use. Are you going to paper teaching him as you are too pushed to take him outside every time he has to use the bathroom? Decide which one works best for you and your dog.

Then, train yourself. To paraphrase, you need to be informed enough and know how to train your dog the strategy you have selected.

When he incidentally use the lounge as his bathroom, do not try to strike him or rub his nose on his own mess. Physical punishment will not correct him; instead will just make things tougher.

When it comes to obedience training, train your dog the basic come, sit and stay commands. These basic commands are his building blocks to other more complicated obedience training and will help you develop a nice relationship with your dog.

Use positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement increases the possibility for a dog to exhibit the same behavior again; It is composed of loving praise, pats and treats. Giving of treats is an efficient way in dog obedience training. But just make efforts to show and give the treat only when the command is performed. Showing of treats before giving the command is just like bribing your dog to do it. Your aim is to train him to follow commands as he loves and respects you as his leader.

Whether you are on housebreaking or obedience training, give him correct diet. Talk to your vet on the types and quantity of food you need to give your pet. It'll also help if you are mindful of what foods are going to be evaded to reduce the likelihood of allergy and other food-related issues.

These few tips seem to be so simple but will certainly bring the best out of your Shih Tzu dog. And what exactly you'll get? A Shih Tzu dog with human acceptable behavior and is great to be around.

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