Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why You Need a Litter Mat

By Angela Suarez

If you love your little cat but get frustrated with their litter box then you are not alone. Cleaning the litter box is not exactly the most exciting job in the world, and especially if you have an enthusiastic digger on your hands. Cats can get pretty excited when met with a fresh, clean litter box and off goes the litter flying away and getting scattered to all corners of your home. If this is your life every day, then you could use a good litter mat.

The concept behind a litter mat is trapping excess litter and keeping it in one spot instead of tracked all though your home. The kitty cannot help it. The fur around their paws traps bits of debris. A good litter mat captures a lot of that solid debris while also protecting the surrounding floor from dampness when the cat misses. While you will still have to keep up with the cat litter, taking care of the floor is much simpler with a mat. You just shake it and replace it, and periodically wash it with soap and warm water - then air dry.

Interior Design for People, Mats Made for Cats:

If your cat pans are in a visible portion of the home, from a color perspective you should have no trouble matching your decor. Just remember to get a size that comfortably accommodates your cat pan with plenty of room to spare. An extra inch or two will not break the bank, and gives greater protection to the adjacent floor or carpeting. Give your cat as much surface space as possible on which to walk before hitting carpets or floors.

If your cat is the type to get pieces of food and water all over the floor (outside the bowls) then extra mats can also be used to sit beneath bowls as well. They can also work to keep that area tidy!

Things to Think About:

All mats are not created equal according to your cat. As a cat owner, you know that a cat can be very particular about lots of things. Be aware that a cat may not like the textured surface. This is most likely to happen in mats with deep crevices; it is too bad that those are the ones that work the best. To keep your frustration to a minimum consider this- do you like stroll around without shoes on a gravel like surface? If you do not like it, then you should get another mat, because your cat certainly will not like it either.

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