Monday, April 25, 2011

Bad Behavior in Dogs and How to stop them

By Zhanghui Zhenlihoa

A poorly trained dog can embarrass its owner and offend other people--or even make them feel threatened if you can't stop bad behavior in your dogs. To raise a well behaved dog, enroll him or her in an obedience class at a young age.

If your pet won't stop biting and the bad behavior persists, buy a couple of chew toys for it to bite down to its heart's content. Remember, biting problems surface if your dog is still undergoing teething, or that it feels threatened or there's just something stuck between their teeth.

Rebellious dogs, especially ones with bad behaviors often root around trash and leave a big mess for you to clean up. Dogs usually mess about with your trash because you didn't feed it properly or it simply smelled something inside on the bags that it fancies. This can easily be fixed by properly disposing of your waste bin and making it hard for your dog to dig in and mess about. For extra measure, spray some bitter apple so it'll be more reluctant to try and invade your trash.

Biting is also a bad behavior that is commonly found in dogs. Dogs bite only because they're either threatened, teething or have something in their mouth that they can't get off properly, like a piece of meat or a splinter. To cure their biting problems, purchase toys that they can freely chew and bite down on.

To raise a well behaved dog, there's always an option of enrolling it obedience class as soon as possible. This option is best used if everything else has failed. It will help straighten out your pet's common problems without you trying to work a sweat over it that much.

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