Thursday, June 2, 2011

Staffy Training - Why It Is Important To Train Your Bull Terrier Properly

By Paul Robertson

The fact that staffies are a breed with marvellous qualities will already be known to owners who are looking for effective staffy training. There are many reasons why they are considered to be the best buddy man has. As an illustration, many dog breeds, not just staffies, are well known for saving lives during environmental emergencies. With a little staffy training, your terrier can be cleverer than you can predict.

Recent study findings seem to indicate that they are cleverer than previously thought. These animals are very much loved by people. In fact, there are folks who swear by the company of this animal more than of their fellow men.

A grown Staffordshire bull terrier is a wonder to look at. If muscles were the determining factor in the breed of dogs then it would win hands down. This breed is just muscly all over, and strength is something it has as a matter of course.

Looking at its eye, you will sense almost as if it can see directly into your soul. In fact they have a really focussed stare when they are looking at something. You might think that with all these rugged descriptions it would possess a rough coat. Their fur is in fact soft and short.

A well taught staffy is a valuable asset and so staffy training should commence fairly early. If you do not begin instruction early enough, the work may not be easy. Nonetheless its not a great idea to commence training a puppy straight away. Giving your puppy some time to settle in first is a useful thing to do. It is also essential not to be too hard with them once you commence education.

Your staffy will need time to settle in and feel like it has become part of your family. Setting aside plenty of time for play is really useful in this respect. Just like human beings, you begin with easy instructions easy to grasp. If you start straight away with complicated education instructions it is likely that your staffy will become mixed-up and unsettled.

The key point to success in staffy training is to make a routine. A life of habits is what will make your puppy grasp its instructions. Switching daily from one type of instruction to another will only make your staffy pup confused. As a result it will take them a lot longer to learn things properly. You should also encourage them to socialize with other dogs in the locality.

Staffies need to be fit and require exercising on a daily basis. If that may be a problem for you then it could be a great idea to put off getting a dog until you have more time. It is too late to change your mind once you have bought the pup.

Even a very clever dog like a staffy will take some time to train correctly. Nonetheless, do not expect marvellous results overnight. Be aware that because they love to play so much it might interfere with their teaching. Nonetheless, there will only be minor delays in getting the results you want, so all will be well. So if you can show a bit of patience with your staffy training you will be rewarded with a fantastic, fun-filled family pet.

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