Monday, July 25, 2011

Animal cruelty in farming

By Ben Grant

Factory farming has taken cruelty to animalsto new heights. Pigs, goats, sheep, cows, and all other animals are brutally subdued and cruelly used in pathetic conditions that are straight out of hell. Now, we have Ministers of European Parliament (MEP) talking about meat labelling , which labels meat and such labels describe whether the animals have been stunned before their slaughter or not. The act of killing a live animal, especially without stunning it, shows to what extent animal cruelty has reached. Here are more details: Pigs are kept in dark cages, which have floors that hurt, boars are castrated without administering anaesthesia. Calves are separated from their mothers to prevent bonding. Newly-hatched chicks are moved to a laying or fattening farm depending on their sex.

Chickens' beaks are burnt to stop them from pecking each other and thereby spoiling perfectly edible meat. The chickens peck each other because they are fitted into cramped cages where they do not have space to even spread their wings.

There are more horrendous examples of animal cruelty on every farm, and it is sufficient to know that animals are treated with extreme cruelty. All animals are intelligent and they feel pain as much as we do. Can you ever think of causing pain to your pet? No, and that's because you love your pets. The farm animals are every bit as cute, fluffy and adorable as your pets and they feel pain just like you do.

16 billion animals are slaughtered for food in the USA alone. They are subject to animal cruelty, domicile in filthy and uncomfortable cages, humiliation, pain, genetic manipulation, neglect, damaging drug regimens, transportation in all weather conditions, and finally, slaughter in inhuman ways, even without stunning. Maybe, meat labelling may make people shun meat of animals that were slaughtered without stunning. If you want to stop animal cruelty then you must go vegetarian or vegan (which involves shunning eggs and dairy products). Being vegan or vegetarian is a healthy practice - you can easily get all your nutrients from vegetables and fruits, minus the cholesterol and toxins found in meat, eggs and dairy products. A vegetarian diet will help protect you from heart disease, obesity, strokes and even cancer. So, when you stop eating meat, you stop animal cruelty and enjoy a lifetime of good health. Raising 1 kilogram of meat requires 5 kilograms of resources. This stresses the earth's resources. In fact, the recent spike in food prices (2011, first half) was caused because the growing populations in developing countries started consuming more animal products. There were other reasons as well, but this was one of the main causes. Raising farm animals drains out water resources, wears out arable land and pollutes the clean air and involves intense animal cruelty.

If you look around you, people are going vegetarian with a vengeance. These folks have understood the harm that meat production is causing to them and to the environment and they have chosen well. You too must go ahead and make a wise choice today - either go vegetarian or vegan, or at least go through the meat labelling data that will soon tell you if the animal has been cruelly slaughtered. The choice is yours.

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