Sunday, September 25, 2011

3 Things To Avoid When Leaving Your Dog Home Alone

By Venice Marriott

Leaving your dog home alone is rarely easy, particularly if they hate being separated from you, yet there are 3 things we almost certainly all do that is probably going to make them feel worse.

While we mean well and definitely don't want to cause our dogs any more anxiousness all our care and concern is likelier to be building up their anxiety symptoms. So here are the 3 largest mistakes we all make when leaving our dog home alone and how we can go about reducing our dog's anxiety instead!

Making a Giant Fuss of Your Dog Before You Leave

Most of us hate leaving our dogs home alone at the best of times and its worse if we know they're going to be anxious while we're away, so we try compensating for it by giving them a big old fuss before we go out, stroking and petting them and telling them not to be anxious as we won't be gone long.

That's our first mistake, because all of the fuss just adds to their anxiousness because they sense that something is up. It is a bit like your 5 year old child giving you a great big cuddle, telling you they love you and that you're not to get worried about them while they are gone, and then disappearing. It's certain to send your anxiety sky high.

Create Rituals to Help Them Cope

You know the sort of thing. We take them for a lengthy walk (because we have been told if they are beat they'll worry less), we get out their favorite toys (because we hope they will distract them) and then give them lots of attention before we leave.

That's our 2nd mistake as they will shortly associate these rituals with you going out, and they will become triggers that set off their anxiety before you even leave. Some dog owners will understand this one as they just have to pick up their automobile keys or get a coat from the cupboard to get their dogs whining or pacing the floor.

Get Anxious Yourself Before You Leave

We all know they loathe it when we are gone, we know they are going to be pining, we are feeling guilty, we aren't sure what kind of chaos we'll come back to this time and the more we think of it the more our own anxiety levels rise.

That is our third mistake, because dogs are extremely sensitive and will pick up on our own stress, so if we begin worrying before we even leave, they'll know about it.

Look at it this way, if a dog can pick up on the signs that their owner is going to have an epileptic fit up to 40 minutes before it happens, they'll definitely pick up on your emotions of stress! And if you're stressed, they'll assume something isn't right which should only increase their own anxiety.

Less is Best With Separation Anxiety in Dogs

So when faced with the problem of separation anxiety in dogs, the biggest key's to keep in mind that less is best! Treat leaving home in an exceedingly matter of fact way, like it's not a big deal and act in a similar way when you return home. The less fuss you make, the more your dog will relax.

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