Monday, September 26, 2011


By Joe Maldonado

Many people find it very difficult to train their dogs by themselves in the house. Well a dog is not like a child with a complex thinking faculty, or a robot. The dog is an animal though with an emotion. As difficult as it may be its very possible to do dog training at home and achieve a well behaved socially adjusted dog. Training your dog at home isn't just something that someone should venture into without a prior knowledge, you need to have access to scientifically proven methods and application that would give you the best result and make you a happy dog owner at the end of the day.

When raising a dog, there are certain issues or information that is crucial to the process. This information must be understood, enlisted, and assimilated by an owner as a list of projected achievements, before a dog is made to go through the training it. One of the important reasons is that the owner must project to achieve a uniquely strong owner-dog relationship. This can be achieved through the development of trust and co-operation. A dog owner must also project to achieve control over the dog so as to be confidence with it in every kind of environment, even in a place where there is close interactions with children, stranger and other animals.

You should also learn to work with the dog's natural drives and emotions and off course intellectual instincts, and not against it. This will give you the easier advantage of achieving your aim faster. Everyone loves a dog that is respectful so you should think of raising a dog that leaves positive resonance on other people's feelings. The dog should be happy, involved, and a part of the community that everyone can vie for. And you should be careful enough to avoid harsh, cruelty or bad dog training techniques; it's not good for the dog. Dogs are animals remember, the way you train them will surely reflect on the way they turn out.

The best person to train your dog is you, not some dog professional or experts, although it is very necessary to get accurate professional information before you start the training process. You're the one the dog will be living with for the rest of his life, you're the one who'll be feeding, washing, and caring for the dog, so why give it to another person and loose the opportunity to understand the dog to the fullness. Love and care alone is not enough for dog training, even though it is essential. It is important to know that simply understanding the techniques doesn't help in training the dogs that are very eager in nature; you need to be active and take them out while applying common sense and consistence, and the over willing dogs will get themselves ready.

You need to put all the points above into mind as you embark of your journey to make your dog a smart, intelligent, and respected part of your family and members of the community.

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