Sunday, September 25, 2011

Health and Behavior Problems in Yorkshire Terriers

By Dmitry Vasenyov

There are some behavior and health problems that are associated with Yorkshire terrier. These dogs were originally used as hunting dogs and are normally healthy dogs, however still suffer from certain health and behavior problems.

Yorkshire terriers are highly intelligent and respond to training. They could be trained and make the ideal indoor pet, especially if you live in a small house. And this is one of reasons why they have become so popular these days. But, still like the majority of breeds, the Yorkshire terriers could develop some bad habits, which traditionally include growling, barking, digging, nipping and others. In order to address these problems it is necessary to start training your dog as early as possible.

Remember that the Yorkshire terriers were originally bread to hunt small rodents and their instinct is to protect their land. And this could lead to a Yorkie showing aggression towards some other small pets you may have. You will have to address this problem if you have several pets in your house.

It is necessary to mention that the Yorkshire terrier has a lifespan of about 16 years of age. However, this lifespan could be increased if you follow the advice of your vet. It is highly recommended to give Yorkshire terriers a lot of exercise as well as feed them healthy food.

The major health problems that Yorkie suffers from are traditionally eye disorder, diabetes and internal parasites. These health issues could become serious if your dog is not checked by your vet on a regular basis. Remember that there are a lot of hidden dangers in your home, yard and garden. Due to a small size of Yorkshire terriers, you have to ensure that your garden, house and yard are safe to play in.

Of course, Yorkies are sociable animals and love the attention of their owners. But, you have to know that there will be times when you will have to leave your dog alone, which could lead to stress and anxiety for puppy.

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