Sunday, September 25, 2011

Keeping farm animals as pets

By Corey Herbert

Pets are great to have in the home, however, deciding what animal to choose can be a challenge as there are some that are more suitable than others. Although many people are happy with a dog or a cat as a pet, some people prefer to have farm animals as their pets. Keeping a sheep, goat or horse has become very popular. If you are considering having a farm animal as your household pet, there are several different things that you will need to consider. You may love the concept of having chickens, pigs or even a horse at home, however, these are far larger animals. You will need to consider if you have the space and abilities to care for these animals correctly.

You will also need to consider if you have enough outdoor space for the farm animals, and if the neighbors would be happy with you have farm animals as pets. If you have a large back garden, and commitment to farm animals as pets you may be successful. However, many people have loved the idea of having animals such as a horse, but the reality is far different.

Farm animals will need an entirely different level of care and attention than the average household pets. They will need more food, specialist care and sufficient shelter as well as the correct handling and management. If you leave farm animals un-handled they can become a problem, and you will find them impossible to handle. Research is essential when considering having farm animals as pets to ensure that you fully understand what you will need to provide. You will need to understand the dietary requirements of the animal as well as their day to day needs. There are also strict laws in some areas considering what animals can be kept in a domestic premise.

There are some animals that are more desirable to keep as pets and these will often not upset the neighbors. You have to consider the natural smell, which some animals produce, and in a confined space, this may be a huge problem. Therefore, cows and pigs are often not suited to be kept as pets as they are often prone to illness and can smell a great deal.

The most popular farm animals to keep as pets are chickens, and if you build them the correct housing they can be a pleasure to keep. Your neighbors may also appreciate the eggs that they will be supplying for them. If you want anymore farm animals such as a horse or a sheep, you will need to ensure that you can cope. Having any animal is a full time commitment that needs knowledge, finance and expertise to ensure that you can provide everything that the pets need. Although you may love the animals, if you do not have the money to pay for their food or vets bills when needed this will be problematic.

Making the decision regarding what animals to have as pets is hard; however, once you have made the right choice you can begin to enjoy them. Farm animals can make great pets, and in the right surroundings, they will thrive, becoming part of the family.

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