Sunday, September 25, 2011

One Rabbit Plus One Rabbit Touch Makes the Perfect Pet for Children

By Peter Clark

If your kids are pestering you for a pet then one of the best options you have for a child friendly pet is a rabbit. Rabbits are cheap to buy, are cheap to feed, easy to keep and don't live for 15 or 20 years like your average cat or dog. So you won't have to look after the pet after the kids leave home.

It's not hard to find places to buy pet rabbits, just head down to your local pet shop or ask around amongst people at your child's school and you'll probably find someone with a few baby rabbits for sale.

Of course keeping a rabbit isn't just about buying your rabbit. You will also need a rabbit hutch in which to keep your rabbit, however it's not that difficult to build a rabbit hutch, and not that expensive to buy one.

If you're looking to build a hutch then it is relatively simple to do so with some simple tools, some simple materials and a little handyman skill.

There are some disputes about the minimum size that a simple rabbit hutch should be. The size depends primarily on the size that your rabbit will grow as different breeds grow to varying sizes. However it is important that your rabbit hutch be wide enough for your rabbit to stretch out when lying down, to hop around a little and a turn around. For this reason it be high enough to allow your rabbit to stand on his hind legs.

My preference is always to opt for a bigger hutch rather than a smaller one, as I hate to see a rabbit cooped up in hutches that are only a couple of feet long. For one rabbit I would opt for a minimum length of 6 feet and preferably longer.

And remember of course that that is just to house your rabbit, you also need room for him to run around and this can be achieved in a number of different ways. You can build him a rabbit run to play in during the day, which is preferably large enough to allow him to hop around on the grass but which also allows you to move it around from time to time.

It's perfectly possible to keep a rabbit outdoors, however my preference is always indoors. Keeping your rabbit away from extreme heat or cold is always a nice way to keep him happy, and a happy rabbit makes a better pet.

So before you buy a rabbit spend a little time researching what is available to buy for his housing and his run, or spend a little time designing a simple rabbit hutch and get going building him a rabbit house, then buy your rabbit and you have a wonderful pet for your children.

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