Monday, November 28, 2011

The 3 Best Home Remedies for Itchy Skin in Dogs

By Dirk Gruenberg

I do not know about you, but I just hate mosquito bites, because they end up being so itchy. Well, our poor dogs often suffer a similar fate. Watching them struggle with their itchy skin is nothing any dog owner would ever enjoy.

There are several different causes for itchy skin. The most common ones are fleas, allergies, and infections. Diets, too, can sometimes cause itchiness. Whatever the cause, ignoring the condition would not be a good idea, because it can really cause your dog trouble.

It is not just the itchiness that can bother your dog; his whole health may actually take a turn for the worse if the issue is not addressed. Fortunately, you can do so without spending a fortune, but with simply using a few home remedies.

The first remedy is baking soda. Almost everyone has this ingredient in their households. Go get it from the kitchen, add cold water to it, and apply it to your dog's skin. It is that easy.

Usually, the relief will be instant for your dog, which is wonderful. So just give it a shot and apply it to the affected areas.

Here is another great remedy: apple cider vinegar. Fortunately, it is just as easy to apply as the baking soda mix. Just take a cotton ball, drip some vinegar on it, and apply it to your dog's skin. Again, the relief should be immediately visible.

And finally, here is yet another remedy: tea and aspirin. This one, too, should be fairly easy to make, and, most importantly, it should be quite effective.

Grind two aspirins and mix it with a tablespoon of alcohol. You'll also need to steep tea in a cup of warm water.

It is important that you let the tea cool down. Do so until it has reached room temperature. Then add the alcohol and aspirin mix to it. After mixing it all up nicely, take a cotton ball and apply the mixture to your dog's affected areas.

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