Sunday, November 27, 2011

How to Recognize Deadly Diseases in Your Dog

By Dirk Gruenberg

If your dog gets sick, he is going to try to hide it from you. His behavior is sensible in a way, because way back in time when dogs still lived in the wild with their packs, it could have been deadly for them to display a weakness.

Back then, dogs only showed their symptoms openly, when they simply could not hide them anymore. Why am I telling you this? Well, it means that you cannot expect your dog to let it on when he is sick - you will have to figure it out for yourself

Of course, sometimes there are minor problems. For example, your dog might vomit, feel better instantly, and that's that. But imagine your dog suffering from a vicious, underlying disease - in that case it would be immensely useful to be able to spot the symptoms, so that you can get the treatment started fast.

Therefore, you need to know how to tell if a dog is sick, so you can get a jump start on medical intervention.

One of the most immediate signs that a dog has an illness is when you notice any change in their eating or drinking patterns. If you had to fill the water bowl three times a day, now it sits full, this is a warning sign.

In addition, if your dog gobbled down his meals but now hesitates or leaves leftover kibbles, that is another symptom of a potential problem; you see what I mean.

Most dogs love treats, too, so if your canine starts to turn up his nose at the sound of the treat jar, it is time to visit the vet.

Many pet owners experience other symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea at some point in their dog's life, but it shouldn't be taken lightly. Don't minimize the severity of such occurrences.

And last but not least, there is one more symptom you absolutely need to be aware of: blood in the urine. If you ever see this happening, take your dog to see a vet right away. This, certainly, is more than a warning sign.

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