Saturday, November 26, 2011

How to Treat Low Blood Sugar in Puppies

By Dirk Gruenberg

Most of us know the concept of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) in humans. But dogs, too, can suffer from their blood sugar dipping too low - which is an unfortunate condition.

As a caring dog owner, it is a good idea to be able to identify the symptoms that go along with this condition. That way, should your pup ever show any of the symptoms, you will be able to act appropriately and quickly get him the help he needs.

The list of hypoglycemia is quite long and includes seizures, hunger, weakness, stupor, lack of appetite, lack of activity, shivering, and in the very worst cases, coma.

So how can you treat low blood sugar in puppies? Here are some of the important things that a pup owner must do: First, contact your veterinarian in case of an attack.

Your vet is the best person to help or give you advice as to what first aid treatment you will give your dog you bring back his blood glucose to a normal safe level. Your vet may sometimes perform a blood glucose test to determine his sugar level.

He may then end up suggesting that you administer insulin. Upon veterinarian's prescription, applying insulin to your puppy in severe cases is a must.

Another important point is your dog's diet. It should be of high nutritional value. Making it rich in carbohydrate, protein and fat is a good idea. Furthermore, provide plenty of water at all times of day and night, because this prevents dehydration.

Moreover, give him natural sweets. In cases of acute attacks apply corn syrup or honey on your puppies' gums directly. Natural sweets are best first aid home treatments in restoring the blood glucose to its normal level.

If, however, your dog's condition does not improve within half an hour, take him to the vet immediately. Again, the vet is your best option and having his professional help can be quiet a relief for most dog owners.

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