Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Means Of Mole Removal

By Alexis David

Many people are embarrassed by the site of moles on other people. And this is even worse when these people are the ones who have moles. They work hard day and night, read widely, ask for medical advice from doctors, nurses, family and friends concerning moles; they even spend a lot of money and other resources to see to it that one way or another, the moles are removed. Discussed below, are some of the numerous ways of mole removal.

Castor oil has been one of the tried and tested methods. For a very long time, dating back to the days of Julius Caesar in ancient Rome, the Romans used castor oil to cure a wide variety of health complications such as sore muscles and even fevers. It is during these times when the Romans were obsessed with beauty that they tried removing moles with castor oil and it worked. Even today, scientific research has shown that castor oil is effective in the removal of moles.

The one place one can never go wrong with is when one talks to a dermatologist. Dermatologists are doctors who have specialized in the skin and are therefore the best people to talk to when having skin related problems, including moles. They are bound to give one advice on how to remove them and even suggest to that person the best way to have it removed surgically or with the use of medicines.

Among the latest techniques is removal by use of laser. The doctors and/or surgeons then direct a laser beam towards the location of such moles and it is removed in a matter of minutes. The person who wants them removed goes to a hospital and is put under a surgical bed and at times an anesthesia is administered to that person to put them to sleep.

Many moles pose absolutely no health risk to the patient. However, there are some that are dangerous and should be removed as soon as spotted on the body. Some moles have been known to cause cancer or be the signs and symptoms of cancer. For this reason, even if one thinks they make them more beautiful or more handsome, they should find a way to have them removed.

The removal of moles is very safe and poses very little side effects. And those side effects are usually mild posing no great harm to the patient. One of the few side effects is that of irritation and scratching on the site of the moles but even this goes away in a matter of days. Many people speculate that the removal of moles is painful and can cause a lot of anguish to the patient. Nothing could be further from the truth.

There are some home surgical procedures that can be performed to remove moles. One such procedure is done by inserting stitches under and cutting it out with a sharp razor blade. Such procedures should however be performed by someone who has some medical experience even if it is as little as first aid.

Mole removal procedures are important for people who are embarrassed by them. However, there are some people who are said to look better with their moles. If the person seeking removal is of such a type and has been advised by his or her dermatologist that it is not cancerous, there is no need to worry about it.

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