Saturday, November 26, 2011

Some Tips On How To Stop Snoring

By Edna Beechum Maxie

Snoring is one of the very common issues. Everybody usually knows at least one person who suffers from this problem. A lot of embarrassment is normally faced by the person who suffers from this condition. Having said that, this is not a very serious problem. It can be easily overcome by using one among the plenty of ways available to do so. This is the reason why the possible remedies with regard to how to stop snoring is generally considered by many.

There are a lot of ways that help to stop snoring. One can choose the most suitable one depending on what they prefer. To start with, there are plenty of stop snoring devices available. These basically need to be put on before sleeping. They definitely help reduce snoring. However, all the devices may not be suitable for every individual. Also one of the other major drawbacks of these devices is that they are a little expensive.

Due to the reason stated above, most of the people often prefer going for the natural remedies. There are plenty of things that can be done to help stop snoring. Snoring basically is caused due to the obstruction of the flow of air through the air passage. Thus doing things that help and reduce the obstruction of the airways will be beneficial.

Obesity is one of the factors that lead to snoring. The air passage is obstructed due to the accumulation of fatty tissues around the neck. Thus if your suffering from this problem due to being overweight, losing weight is the thing that can help you get rid of the problem. Additionally eating food just before sleeping should also be avoided. This is because your food would not be digested and it would in turn add pressure on the diaphragm, aggravating the problem all the more. Eating at least three hours prior to going to sleep is recommended.

It is strongly recommended to avoid having alcohol prior to going to sleep. The reason behind this being that the muscles of the throat get relaxed on consumption of alcohol. Consequently the flow of air would be obstructed. Besides consumption of dairy products prior to sleeping is also not advisable. Mucus is developed due to it, which then causes obstruction in the flow of air, consequently resulting in snoring.

Other health problems like flu and cold could also cause snoring. When one suffers from such conditions, there is a swelling caused in the throat. As a result, proper flow of air is obstructed. This is however temporary and goes away as soon as the health restores to normal. However, inhaling eucalyptus oil could be of help in reducing the problem.

Making appropriate changes in the sleeping position can also assist in reducing the problem. The problem becomes all the more if one sleeps on the back. Sleeping on the sides would be one of the ideal positions. If sleeping in that position is problematic for you then you can try keeping your head a little elevated, by using special anti snoring pillows that are made for the same purpose.

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