Friday, December 30, 2011

Garter Snakes As Pets

By Greg Weir

The garter snakes (genusThamnophis) are perhaps the best-known snakes in North America. Most are identified by the presence of stripes running the length of their bodies on a dark background. These stripes could be terribly related and bright, moderately obscure, or totally absent, depending on the species, subspecies, or mutation. A single population of the eastern garter snake,Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis, could have striped people, others in which the stripes are obscure or replaced by a checkerboard pattern, and others which are coal-black and lack all trace of any pattern. Some of the western species, like the checkered garter snake,Thamnophis marcianus, and some western types ofThamnophis sirtalis, are awfully attractive snakes to look at.

Most garter snakes show their close relationship to the water snakes in frequenting areas that are equipped with permanent bodies of water such as lakes, brooks and rivers. Even the varieties of garter snakes found in desert areas follow the courses of streams and rivers. There are some kinds that are really aquatic, taking to the water when alarmed and swimming with the simplicity of the true water snakes. They rely on flight to flee enemies but when caught will put up a good show of defense, biting energetically and regularly smearing their captor with a discharge from the anal glands. Captive garter snakes tame swiftly and permit themselves to be handled without any aggressive behavior at all.

Garter snakes average two to three feet long. Some like Butler's garter snake,Thamnophis butleri, may be totally grown when eighteen inches long; the giant garter snake, Thamnophis couchi gigas, on the other hand, grows to over four feet! Garter snakes breed in the spring and the young are born alive in late summer, the broods now and then numbering one or two dozens. Baby garter snakes can be reared without difficulty even in the most elementary types of snake enclosure. The eastern garter snakes feed principally upon earthworms and frogs; the western varieties have a tendency to favour small fish. Some garter snakes will even take rodents or small birds.

The garter snake is a diurnal snake. In summer, it is most active in the morning and late afternoon; in cooler seasons or climates, it prohibits its activity to the warm afternoons. In hotter southern areas, the snake is active all year; otherwise, it sleeps in common dens, infrequently in great numbers. On warm winter afternoons, some snakes have been observed emerging from their hibernacula to bask in the sun.

While most types of garter snake are abundant, Water contamination, urban expansion, and home and economic development are all threats to the garter snake. The San Francisco Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia), is now extraordinarily rare and happens only near ponds and reservoirs in San Mateo County, California.

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