Friday, October 5, 2012

Guidelines In Raising Rabbits For Meat - What To Consider In This Business

By Gail Paterson

Rabbit farming for meat is a common business but it needs more dedication and attention compared to normal pet rabbit care. In this kind of business, the first thing that should be considered is the breed of rabbit to produce. The types which are commonly used in the business of raising rabbits for meat are the Californians and New Zealands because they are the fastest producing breeds.

Most owners have purebred stocks of these types while some crossbreed them to produce babies that grow more quickly and are more vigorous. The New Zealand breed is one of the most popular among rabbit meat because they can already be sold in the market in just 8 weeks. The Californians, on the other hand, are highly demanded because of their plump yet fine-boned body structures.

Keeping rabbits for meat is a business which is highly dependent on the quality of feeding that the producer does to his pets. Generally, rabbits are kinds of animals which consume different kinds of foods. Feeding these animals with lettuce or cabbage is not recommended because these vegetables can cause diarrhea problems. However, if a producer wants to get quality meat, only commercial pellets or alfalfa hay should be given to them. Giving the proper amount of the food is also important in raising rabbits for meat because overfeeding will cause too much accumulation of body fat. Once a doe becomes too fat, it may have some problems with kindling or breeding.

Knowing when to breed the parents is also important in raising rabbits for meat. Medium breeds are usually bred between 5-6 months while large breeds are not bred until they are 8 months. In mating the doe and the buck, the doe should be the one which should be placed in the cage of the buck because female rabbits are often territorial with their own cages. In choosing the animals to breed, make sure to choose those that are healthy and are not closely related.

The gestation period of these animals takes 31 days. The actual birth of the young also happens in this time frame. Also make sure that the doe is already placed in a comfortable nest a few days before her actual giving birth. Feeding the babies should not be a problem because the does naturally nurse their young. In cases when the mother has died though, the babies should be fed with a mixture made of skim milk, egg yolks, karo syrup, and bone meal.

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