Sunday, February 19, 2017

What East End Tick Control Companies Can Tell You About Chikungunya

By David Kellan

Some mosquito-borne sicknesses are less common than others, which is definitely the case with chikungunya. It's rare when compared to some of the other conditions that east end tick control companies are hired to prevent. Does this necessarily mean that people shouldn't be concerned about the potential onset of chikungunya? As you'll come to learn, this is one of the sicknesses in question that you should be aware of all the same.

Chikungunya, for those not in the know, is a viral condition that is transmitted through mosquito bites. Up until 2013, when cases starting popping up in North America, it spread through Europe, Asia, Africa, and other countries overseas. As stated earlier, it's a relatively rare condition compared to others, as there have been less than 1,000 cases in the United States each year. With that said, this doesn't take away from the severity of the condition itself.

Chikungunya comes with a slew of symptoms, according to companies the likes of Alternative Earthcare. Someone who has been affected with this condition can experience anything from muscular and joint pain to fever and chills. These aren't uncommon with other mosquito-borne diseases. When it comes to preventing this particular disease, seeing as how there's no known treatment, there are a few actions that can be taken.

Consulting a Hampton tick control specialist might work to your benefit. The reason for this is that they can treat lawns for a variety of tests, so it's not as if they're limited to mosquitoes. You might also want to wear clothes that cover your body enough so that you stand a lesser chance of experiencing mosquito bites. The more coverage you have, the better off you'll be. These are just a few methods of prevention you should take advantage of.

It's unfortunate that chikungunya cannot be cured, but it's clear that its risk can be lowered in a number of ways. This can be done by both professional help and your own self-care methods. Mosquito bites aren't equal, especially with the knowledge we have regarding diseases like chikungunya. Simply put, some bites are more dangerous than others. The more that you know about prevention, the less likely you'll be of experiencing this type of disease.

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