Thursday, February 22, 2018

About Large Dogs That Dont Drool

By Matthew Butler

Having a large dog might be your dream, but you have to face some facts before choosing one. First, you should have enough space for your new pet. Small apartment is rarely a very good choice. Another thing to think about is do you have enough time to take care about your pet's activity needs. Of course, if you have a house with a big fenced yard, it might solve some of these problems.

The fact is some breeds shed extensively, and big dogs usually drool. It's not something to be very happy about, but there are some large dogs that dont drool so much. Saint Bernard, for example, is not one of them. But, there are some other really beautiful and really large dogs you will just love, and they won't make a mess.

One of the best choices you can make if you are interested in one large dog without drooling problems is choosing Borzoi. This beautiful, big and clever animal is healthier than most other large breeds, and he doesn't even bark too much, and this is another quality to appreciate. Most big dogs will make a real mess when drinking water, but Borzoi is tidy even there.

Of course, you can always choose a Poodle. Hypoallergenic, intelligent, elegant and polite, Standard Poodle is certainly large enough and has numerous qualities you should appreciate. If this breed isn't something you look for, there are some crossbreeds having similar qualities but less elegant appearance, for example Labradoodle or Goldendoodle, it's up to your choice.

In any case, you simply cannot make a mistake choosing one Old English Sheepdog. He won't drool so much, but, considering his hair, you won't be able to see it anyway. Everybody loves these dogs, you just cannot help it. They are so soft and friendly, lovable and intelligent. There is some work when it comes to their maintenance, but who cares.

Doberman is another breed that won't make such a mess. Although he looks intimidating, he is really a nice creature which will be loyal and lovable companion to anyone. Of course, he might be less friendly to strangers, especially if he thinks you or your family members are in some kind of danger. He is certainly large enough to protect you.

Some large breeds don't live so long, but these mentioned here will probably live around eleven to twelve years. Some breeds might have some characteristic health problems, and that's why you should consider all the facts before choosing your pet. Daily exercise is really important and make sure that your dog gets enough opportunity for it.

Daily exercise is really important. It keeps your dog healthy and happy. Finding a good vet and a good quality food is a must. Having a dog is great, but you have to understand it is also a responsibility for life. These lovely creatures deserve really good owners and good living conditions.

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