Friday, September 25, 2015

Making Your Own All Natural Dog Treats NY

By Della Monroe

Love you dog as you do, you want them to be healthy. In addition to exercise an important part of that healthy lifestyle is keeping their weight under control. We all love to give them a treat, watch their tail wag as they give us a look of undying love. However, too much of the wrong thing is not good for them and we are harming instead of helping. You can cut the calories and remove chemical additives that we are discovering are harmful to humans and our pets by making your own all natural dog treats NY.

It is much easier than people think it is. There are plenty of recipes on the internet. Find some then trade with other pet owners. Instead of a cookie swap during the holidays why not hold a pet goodies swap and include recipes.

Animals are sometimes much more like their human owners than a person may think and they sometimes have allergies. To avoid making a big batch of snacks, cut the recipe down the first time to find out if they have a reaction to any of the ingredients. If not, make lots more to give to your pet and to swap with other owners.

Dog owners do not have to resort to just baking or preparing healthy pet snacks. Most dogs also love peanut butter so give them a spoonful or smear some on a carrot or raw bone. In addition, they usually like carrots, broccoli, and green beans. It is just a matter of experimentation. Offer the raw vegetable or fruit to them and they will let you know if they like it or not. There are a few to absolutely keep away from your animal. These are anything containing caffeine, chocolate, onions, raisins, grapes, and apple seeds.

You also do not want to ever give them bones that have been cooked in any fashion. That includes, baking, steaming, or boiling. The reason is they can easily splinter once they have been cooked which will result in internal damage to your pet. If you are going to give your canine a treat they love in the form of a bone, make certain it is raw.

The best type for them to eat are chicken or turkey bones that are hollow. Neck bones and wings are fine for them to eat. Plus they contain trace minerals, phosphorus, and calcium which are all important to a healthy diet.

Larger bones, such as a beef or bison hip or femur bone is full of marrow. The act of gnawing on them stimulates your animal mentally and actually acts like a good brushing and floss resulting in better oral health.

IF your animal is predisposed to pancreatitis, you should remove the marrow first as the fat can result in diarrhea and a pancreatitis flair up. Also, do not give them any small sized raw bones as they can bite in half then swallow or choke on it or swallow whole then choke.

You can find necks, wings, and large bones at any butcher or meat counter. You can store them in the freezer until you need them. One more thing to mention and that is to also not give them pork or rib bones because these also splinter.

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