Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wise-Pot: Picking Credible Pest Mice Control Websites

By Dola Ames

Pest mice problem is indeed a serious problem inside the house. No matter how much you try to avoid them they always find their way inside your house and infesting there. And they leave a disaster inside your household each time they strike. Gnawing damages are just some of the many problems that mice infestation causes inside the house. By the time you wake-up you end up encountering gnawing damages everywhere. In your sofa, your favorite couch, even your fridge is no longer working because of the gnawing damages present in your appliance's wiring. It may occur to you that it's about time to exterminate this pestering vermin. But how do you exactly do that? Where should you go? What means or ways should you pick to truly get rid of them for good? That's completely up to you. However, make sure that when you make the pick, the pick should be the one that would genuinely address the problem at hand. It can't be avoided that there will be a lot of scams going around that may mislead you in making the pick.

Scammers are just right about everywhere. They are present in the real world and they are also present in the virtual world. The internet is place where we can get all sorts of information we need in our daily activities and undertakings. However, only some of the information that the internet gives is reliable. Some of them are hoax and are simple there to promote empty shells and gain profit. You should be able to learn how to be able to spot these scam info sites so that you will not fall victim of their modus operandi.

But how will you be able to appropriately choose the reliable details web-sites? How will you be able to determine that the details at hand are accurate? Right here are some guidelines you may want to look at in assessing facts about pest mice control which you get from the World Wide Web.

1. Go through the entire website. Make sure that the website has information that discusses every possible topic that has to be discussed about pest mice control. If you find out that the site discusses less but encourages you to make online transactions right away, you know better than giving them your credit card information.

2. If it's an informational site that offers tips and methods on how to deal with mice, you need to worry a lot as much as sending a site your credit card information. However you still have to be extra careful in following the information given on that site. As they might be bogus. Assess carefully if the tips are logically plausible and if it can really get rid of the mice problem.

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How To Address Your Dog's Dominance Aggression

By Karl Hamletson

Dominance aggression in canines can be dangerous. If left unchecked, it can become a larger problem as the animal tries to assume a leadership role in his owner's home. When his status is challenged - either by his owner or a member of his family - the pet may react aggressively, causing injury. For the owner, the problem is to address the behavioral issue without triggering a confrontation.

A careful approach is necessary in order to minimize the likelihood of an aggressive reaction. Physical punishment, such as yanking the pet's collar or hitting him, is rarely effective, and dangerous with a dominant aggressive canine. Below, we'll offer several suggestions that will help you regain control over your dog without exposing you and your family to harm.

Identify The Interactions That Trigger Aggression

Not all canines behave aggressively in response to the same situations. For this reason, take time to note which types of interactions cause your pet to display dominance aggression. For example, does he growl when you place your hand on his back? Does he bark when you approach him during meals? Does he attempt to protect something from you to prevent you from taking it?

The purpose of doing this is to compile a list of interactions to avoid. That is, if your pet growls when you pet his back, refrain from doing so. It's important to minimize the stress between you and your dog while training him to abandon his dominance aggression.

Avoid Conceding To Demands For Attention

Your canine may try several tactics to demand your attention. He might bark incessantly, refusing to stop until you pet him; he may nudge your leg with his body, becoming more forceful with each failed attempt; or, he might jump up on you. The best response is none at all. Regardless of your dog's insistence for your attention, avoid surrendering to his demands.

Many owners make the mistake of giving in because their pets' behavior seems relentless. Unfortunately, doing so trains the animal that he should use the same tactic in the future.

Train Your Pet To Work For Treats

Your dog enjoys treats, praise, petting, and your attention. Withhold all of these items unless he first complies with your commands. For example, if he approaches you to be pet, refrain from doing so until you give him a command that he fulfills.

The goal is not to force your canine to comply with each command. Instead, the goal is to let him know that you will not provide the things he enjoys unless he works for them. For instance, if you tell him to "sit," and he refuses to do so, withhold your attention for several minutes. Then, try again.

Restrict Access To Food

One of the keys to any training program that seeks to curb dominance aggression is to make clear that the owner controls the resources. To dogs, food is the most important resource. Thus, as with treats and your attention, make your canine work for his meals.

When you prepare his meal, tell him to "sit" and "stay" before giving it to him. If he fails to comply, store his meal away. Try again in five minutes. Your dog will gradually understand that you control his most important resource. This firmly plants the idea that you are the leader of his "pack."

Limit Access To Toys

Your dog's toys present another opportunity to curb his dominance aggression. Rather than giving him full access to his toys, use them as treats. That is, provide his favorite toy when he complies with a command. This further strengthens the notion that you control the items he enjoys, and he must do what you say in order to gain access to them.

When canines become dominant aggressive, their owners should address the issue as early as possible. If the behavioral problem is allowed to persist, they risk losing control of their pets.

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The problem of stray cats

By Louis O'Donnell

Cat rescuehas become a daily event as more and more stray cats over populate the world. Unfortunately over population of feral cats is becoming a huge issue and knowing the correct way to deal with them can be a challenge. If you are thinking of having a cat in your home adopting one is the best way forward.

Owning a pet of any description is a huge responsibility, and there are several things that you need to consider. As well as food for your cat you will need a good pet insurancethis will ensure that you can get treatment if your pet becomes ill or injured. Stray cats often get very ill because they have no one to care for them. The cat rescue teams try to ensure that the cats they rescue are seen by a vet immediately. Stray cats are the outcome of careless owners simply abandoning their cats or unneutered cats breeding with wild cats resulting in litters of unwanted kittens. Feral cats can often be found in shopping areas with bins, and places with an easy food source. Many people do not care about their pets, and will simply move and leave them behind.

These are often the owners that have never bothered to get pet insurance, or care for their pets properly. People believe that domestic cats will revert back to their wild instincts; however this is not the case. Many domestic cats simply cannot cope, and will die if not found and rescued in time.

Many cats are in fact claimed by the cat rescue teams, however, every year a huge number have to be destroyed as they are unlikely to be re-homed. Feral cats often have to fend for themselves, and will become very rough and often will look scruffy. They are often not the friendliest of cats, and would never adjust to a home life. Feral cats now outnumber domestic cats, and unfortunately many of them will be having kittens constantly, and the average female cat can produce up to three litter of kitten every year. This will lead to the problem increasing, and more cats being produced. Cat rescue teams will go into an area, and catch the feral cats with the aim of neutering the cats.

This will help with the massive overpopulation problem that has arisen. Trap, neuter, release programs have proven to be the only way to successfully deal with the problems of feral cats. If the problem of the stray cats is simply ignored it can become a massive issue. Whole neighborhoods can be overrun with feral cats that often have no respect for the area they live in.

For some of the lucky cats that are found on the streets they will be able to be found loving homes. The cat rescue people are constantly looking for great homes for the cats that they find, and some make fantastic pets for the whole family. Once you take your new cat home you should ensure that you take out the correct pet insurance, have them micro chipped and begin to love them.

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Looking After Small Animals

By Jack Walters

Small animals like rabbits and guinea pigs are popular pets among children and adults alike. First, these animals require little by way of space in the house, thus, their suitability for people living in apartments and other relatively small accommodations. Second, these pets only require basic care like food, water and shelter with little of the health problems that plague other domesticated animals like dogs and cats. Even a young child will be able to adopt the basics ofguinea pig care. Yet another advantage of caring for small animals where children are concerned is that these pets provide teaching opportunities for values like responsibility and respect for life. Such opportunities are priceless in that no words can equal the value of actual experience. But before you even think of giving your children small animals as pets, you must perform careful research on the needs of the prospective pets. Otherwise, you will be exposing both the pet and the child to potential physical and emotional harm. Let's start with guinea pig care since these cute rodents are arguably the most popular small animals as pets for children. Despite their small bodies, guinea pigs require spacious cages that will allow them to move in a relatively free manner. If the cage is too small, your guinea pig pet will suffer from many health problems from lack of exercise. If the cage is placed outside, your pet may be attacked by other animals or die from exposure to extreme temperatures.

Experts also suggest adopting two or more guinea pigs since these are sociable animals with intense needs for companionship. But if you are new to guinea pig care, you can adopt a single pet but make sure to spend more time with it. You may even have to play with it. Just make sure to handle guinea pigs with care.

You must also look after the adequate supply of healthy food for the guinea pigs. Grass hay must be made available at all times. Green leafy vegetables must be provided on a daily basis. Mix green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce and cilantro, among others, to make a cup of salads feed just once a day. Of course, you must always ensure that the water is clean.

As for rabbits, you can apply a few of the tips on guinea pig care. These tips include providing for plenty of room in the cage for the rabbit to freely move around. Plus, you must line the cage with a solid bottom to protect the bunnies' delicate paws. Since bunnies tend to move their wastes inside their cages even if it is in the litter box in one corner, regular cleaning of these enclosures is a must. Of course, proper diet is essential in keeping the bunnies healthy. Grass hay, small quantities of fruits and vegetables as well as commercial pellets is a great idea for feeds. Exercise sessions must also be provided to avoid problems associated with obesity. Like humans, a good balance between diet and exercise is essential for rabbits.

When it comes to bunny and guinea pig care, it is always best to educate yourself first. You will then be able to teach your kids the right way to care for their small pets. Your main aim is to ensure that pet and kids stay healthy - and that is always good news for parents.

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Complete an outdoor challenge to fundraise for your favorite charity

By Keira Cross

In today's world charity goes a long way. We are lucky to live in one of the more privileged places in the world and don't have to worry about the trials and tribulations of extreme poverty. Even if we are down on our luck financially there are often government programs and ways to get you by the boot straps and rise up once again. Many other nations do not have this opportunity, and thus charity, is a pinnacle point of being a good person when living in a country like ours.

Rehoming dogs is one little way of giving back to our community, and there are plenty of shelters and agencies that you can volunteer at or donate and contribute to that will help make a difference in these animals' lives. These shelters can be found in almost every city and if there isn't one located in your town, there is surely one nearby that can be utilized. Rehoming dogs is an ideal way to give back to those less fortunate.

There are a huge variety of ways to give back to yours and other communities, and fundraising ideas are plentiful. You can organize marathons, charity bins, fundraising auctions, and a plethora of other events at which money can be gathered to help those less fortunate. Fundraising ideas may seem a bit exuberant at first, but when you get down the core idea, it is a simple one, and easy to organize. When organizing an event like this doesn't let it be daunting, remember that once you get the basic plan laid out you will have helping hands from those charitable folks all over your neighborhood. Things like hosting a concert or an auction can cause everyone to lend a helping hand, and once you get the basic coursework laid for your fundraising idea, you will then soak up the aid that your neighbors can offer and make it an event to remember. This idea can also be coupled with rehoming dogs, as you can make it a theme of the fundraiser, one that everyone can get behind.

You can also take steps to raise money for those less fortunate yourself, by making a pledge and climbing a mountain, or running a marathon. There are a number of fundraising ideas that involved getting a pledge or collecting money from people that you will then use as a catalyst to doing something extraordinary, that will be not only helpful to those less fortunate, but also fun and memorable for you and everyone involved.

As you can see, there are a plethora of fundraising ideas and options that you can pick from to make your mark on this world. Many of these involve getting the community involved, and can be a memorable and fun experience for you all. Rehoming dogs and hosting a meet are just a couple ways to give back and host a great experience. Some of them just involve you, making your mark, and getting pledges toward your mission. No matter what plan you go forward with, know that with good intentions of a charitable nature, you won't go wrong.

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What is the difference between horses & ponies

By Jodie Pope

Ponies are a very popular animal to own, and many children love spending time with them riding and caring for them. Although they are not usually classed as pets, they are cared for in the same ways as any other domestic animal. The pony will need feeding, grooming, loving, and exercising just as any other type of pet would need. When looking to get a pony you need to understand the differences between a horse and a pony.

The most distinctive thing between horses and ponies is the overall size of the animal. Horses stand over 147cm or 14.2 hands. This is the measurement used to measure horses, and they should be measured from the floor to their whither. Although there are very rare occasions when ponies are larger than 14.2 hands, overall this is how to tell them apart. There are other characteristics, which define ponies as such.

The frame of the pony is often stockier, and pound to pound they are often far stronger than horses. Ponies will often be much harder than a horse, and can withstand the cold bleak winters far better. As pets they are a lot harder to care for than domestic animals due to their size. They will take a great deal of money and knowledge to look after correctly.

Ponies can be very stubborn, and if left to be naughty they can become uncontrollable. You will need to ensure that you fully understand what you are taking on before rushing out to get a pony. There are some particular breeds of horses that are classified as ponies; however, this is often only seen to complicate the whole matter. If you take the measurement of the pony this will ensure that you understand they will grow no more.

Although horses will be smaller when they are younger you need to understand that they will grow, and once they do they pass the 14.2 hands measurement. Learning everything there is to know about ponies, and how to care for them is essential. All little girls at some point will want a pony, and you may be in the situation to have one.

Careful consideration is needed as often children go through phases of having pets, and ponies are a big problem if a few months down the line it is no longer wanted. Once you have determined that you want a pony you need to carefully consider where to get one from. There are many different ponies for sale, and some may not be suitable. Ensure that you are happy with both the pony, and where it has come from.

There are many different breeds, and colors to choose from and some will appeal more than others. Research is very important to ensure that you understand the breed of pony that you want. Some have very distinctive personalities, and behaviors. Some ponies are ideal as a first pony for your child, and others will be bad tempered and too lively. If you are unsure you should seek professional help and guidance to ensure that you get the right pony.

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How Dogs can Help the Blind

By Reece Parkinson

Dogs can make a good house pet as they provide security and companionship to their owners. But some breeds of dog can go beyond that role. Aside from the common guard dogs, some dogs can be trained to help in police investigations while others can be trained to become guide dogs. Guide dogs, also known as seeing-eye dogs, are dogs that are trained to assist and lead visually impaired and blind people around obstacles. With proper training, guide dogs can be capable of assisting visually impaired people navigate through various obstacles. But not all dogs can be trained to be guide dogs. Dog breeds that can make great guide dogs are German Shepherds, Labradors and Golden Retrievers. These are the most common guide dogs of today because of their work ethic and intelligence. Also, these dogs are known for their strong instincts of assisting their owners.

Other breeds that are also capable of doing the job, though not common these days, are the Papillons, Rottweilers, Collies, Dobermans, Terriers, Vizslas, Poodles, Boxers, Border Collies, Airedale Terriers, Australian Shepherds and Yorkshire.

Training a dog to become a guide dog takes between two to five years. Such training includes service training and basic obedience. The dog is taught how to turn left or right and to move forward on command. Commands that are more advanced include leading the blind person around overhangs, retrieving objects that are dropped, stopping before crossing the street and overcoming other obstacles safely. The dog is also taught to guard only the handler. Only after a successful training can the dog be paired with a visually impaired or blind person.

If you don't have a dog, you can try visiting organizations that train dogs to guide blind people. Some organizations usually offer their services at a cheaper rate since they accept voluntary work from passionate people who are interested to donate their talents and time to these organizations. Such voluntary work includes helping raise the puppies and welcoming dogs into their homes.

Some states don't require guide dogs to be certified. Dogs that are certified means they have undergone advance trainings and have completed a course that is approved by the state. These dogs are capable of guiding a blind person to different places, such as hotels, restaurants, airports, malls, and other public places. Some states don't allow blind people to roam around the city with an uncertified guide dog. So to eliminate this hassle, it is better off to choose certified guide dogs. It is not only the dogs that should be trained, but also their owners. Blind people must learn how to handle their dog every time they walk outdoors. They must also learn other important things such as how to take good care of their dogs despite their disability. It is therefore advisable for these people to attend a training school and take competency exams.

So if you need to take a guide dog with you every time you go out, it is best to know the rules and regulations of your state. There are some states that deny access to animals in public places, such as restaurants. So it is better to be oriented with the laws of your state.

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Pet Hygiene - Grooming Your Havanese Dog

By Martin Doyle

The well-loved and popular dog breed, the Havanese, descended from a breed indigenous to Cuba but is now extinct, the Blanquito de la Havana. What we now know as the modern day Havanese is actually the outcome of breeding the Blanquito with French and German Poodles. The Havanese is already among the officially acknowledged breeds found in the records of both the Kennel Club and the American Kennel Club. You will not be saddled with daily grooming rituals, when taking care of the Havanese, unlike with other dogs, for it only needs a full grooming session every month, or month and a half. But once a week, you can do a general grooming, and on how to do that, simply follow the guide below.

You need the following for a general grooming session - scissors, protein shampoo, mat rakes, thinning shears, a slicker brush, a pin brush, a metal comb.

1. Brush out the dog's double coat using a combination of slicker brushes, the pin brushes, and the metal combs. You want to start out with the coarser types of brushes, so you can work on the large tangles early on. You'll notice, if you're new to grooming this breed, that the Havanese double coat is one of a kind - the topcoat and the undercoat are both silky and soft, instead of a soft undercoat under a wiry and coarse topcoat. Sometimes there will be some stubborn knots that refuse your will - use the mat rake on them.

2. You'll want to bathe your Havanese using a shampoo that's very rich in protein. You are not supposed to use cream rinse on this particular breed. You should also look up lotions that help in preventing the onset of split hairs, since that I'll give your dog fewer problems.

3. Start clipping the hair between the pads of the dog's feet. If you want to give dog's feet a roundish look, just clip the feet as well. If your the type that regularly enters your pet in dog shows, you might need to consider some professional grooming for you dog. But if you have been doing that for quite some time, by all means proceed to groom your pet as you see fit.

4. Cut the clumps of hair from the dog's coat using the shears. By now, after the brushing, shampooing, and cutting, you will have some feel as to how long such a general grooming session can take.

Some pet owners want their Havanese's hair long, to do that just brush its coat twice a week, minimum. This breed, unlike other, barely sheds hair; so it's really up to you to help it get comfortable by removing loose hair via brushing.

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Havanese Breeders - Tips On Finding Honest And Legitimate Breeders

By Liana Granda

You wouldn't be looking them up online if you didn't think of them as adorable - the Havanese dog, among the toy dog breeds, is one of a kind. For a pet categorized as a toy dog breed, they're not that small, and unlike the stereotyped bratty small dog, this one is affectionate without being a brat; throw in the fact that it hardly sheds, and you have a small dog winner. So that's why there's been a surge in the demand for the Havanese; so don't be surprised is the number of legitimate and illegitimate Havanese Breeders offering them are on the rise as well.

If you're after a purebred, your best bet is meeting up with a Havanese breeder - the problem is you might meet up with a dishonest one, so you want to keep asking questions during the meeting. A dishonest breeder will know what to show you to convince you to clinch the deal right there - a clean breeding area, cute liters, and maybe falsified documents pertaining to breeding registration and medical check ups/vaccinations. The dishonest breeder might even put on the airs of an honest breeder you have to work hard to convince of your capacity to take care of Havanese puppies.

What you need to do is to find out which breeding clubs or circles he is a member of, because when that info is provided you can do the online and by phone research to check his background - having references is key. You might be shown wall to wall plaques of participation in this event, or certification of having attended that conference or training - all of which can be false. That's why you want to do what you can, before you meet up, to talk to people who can vouch for him. Of course, a true conman will provide you with references that are actually his associates - whatever it takes to clinch the sale.

There's actually more bad news. In perfect mime of standard practices of legitimate Havanese Breeders, corrupt ones will also provide you with documentation pertaining to the breeding history, registration, and medical records of the dog or dogs, but only after you buy them. By the time you figure out that the documents have been forged, you paid for the dog's, which may not be bred to be healthy - meaning they may have hereditary conditions. The respected registration organizations have online databases against which you can check the papers you were given, but that may be too late, too.

What you can do is bring a smartphone with you or a laptop with Internet connection, and run the documents against the online databases - if the breeder agrees to that. The dishonest ones will suddenly cough out a list of excuses, just to avoid the on the spot check - most likely he'll slash the price if he's desperate. There are probably hundreds of people already conned by faux breeders, and you can probably read about their stories online if you search for them, so you can be forewarned.

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What You Should Know About Dog Bark Collars

By George Cowley

No one is upset when a dog barks for a serious reason. Watchdogs are very appreciated. But there are dogs that constantly bark with no particular reason. If your own dog started to annoy the neighbors, then it is time you did something to correct the problem. Continuous barking can be extremely stressful for anyone. Even though you got used to your dog barking all the time, your neighbors might not have settled for this situation.

How To Stop The Barking

There are ways to help a dog stop barking so much. Some of these are: finding the underlying cause of the barking, using positive training techniques, or using clicker training to help the dog learn to only bark on command. Of course, if these don't work, you can get a professional dog trainer's help.

A good tool to correct your dog's barking is the barking collar.

Types Of dog bark collars

Dog collars using citrus spray are effective because dogs do not like their strong smell. The spraying of this substance takes the dog by surprise and stops its barking. Some versions of citrus collars can issue a warning hiss before spraying, so that the smells can be avoided once the dog gets familiar with the collar.

Sonic/ultrasonic collars work by putting out a tone (often unheard by humans) whenever the dog barks. The dog can become annoyed or distracted by the noise and curtail the barking.

Electrical dog bark collars work by giving the dog a mild shock when it barks. Contrary to popular belief, these are no more dangerous than the shock from static electricity.

Some dog bark collars come with a combination of these methods, for example, sound and shock together. Other bark collars for dogs use an escalation system, where the deterrent begins small or quiet, but escalates until the barking ends. These systems are helpful by rewarding the dog for stopping the barking sooner.

Whatever type of dog collar you choose, do it quickly; the faster you apply the technique, the faster your dog will stop the irritating barking. You will also do a great favor to your neighbors.

After all, they are the ones that suffer the most due to the constant noise. There are many methods you can apply if you want your dog to stop barking, but dog collars are the most efficient ones. Either you choose the shock system, the sound device or the citrus collar, you will see great improvements in the shortest amount of time.

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Do Bark Collars Hurt The Dogs?

By Lewis Bodie

There are three different types of dog bark collars that are very popular at the moment among dog owners. All these types are extremely efficient, however people wonder whether they are ethical to use or not. If you have a dog that barks very often, then you must have all the information of these tools you can use on your pet.

Citronella Spray Collars

This type of no bark collars pulverize citrus substance under the dog's chin if it barks for too long. The citrus spray collar is very effective because most dogs dislike this smell. Some types of citrus spray collars make a hissing sound before spraying the substance, so that the dog can stop barking even sooner once it learns what the hiss means. The dog is not hurt at all by either the sound or the spray.

Ultrasonic or Sonic Bark Collars

The sound produced by sonic or ultrasonic devices is only heard by dogs. This sound is like the one created by dog whistles. When dogs learn that if they stop barking, the annoying sound will stop, they cease making noise. Even though the sound annoys them, most people cannot hear it. Experts say that the sonic collar is ethical. Dogs cannot feel any pain and the sound does not create a major discomfort. Sonic collars are not as efficient as the other bark collars because the dog can easily get used to the sound and ignore it.

Electronic No Bark Collars

An electronic bark collar reacts at the dog's barking by sending it a mild shock. The shock does not threaten the health of the dog and produces a discomfort comparable to the static shocks felt by humans. Some people condemn the use of this type of collar, considering it unethical. Because the dog can actually feel discomfort due to the shock, some consider it should not be used anymore. There are persons who do not approve with these devices. Nonetheless, the electronic dog collar is extremely efficient so, if you own a dog that barks all the time, you may consider it a viable solution.

As a dog owner, you can choose from three versions of no bark dog collars - the electronic one, the sonic or ultrasonic device or the citrus bark collar. All people agree with the use of citronella spray and the ultrasonic device; yet, many are against using the electronic collar because it produces shocks. Anyway, you can safely pick any of the three alternatives, as none is considered a real threat to your dog.

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Stop The Loud Barking With A Bark Collar

By Liana Granda

If your dog barks a lot for no real reason, or your neighbors are annoyed by the endless "twilight barking" every night, you need to do something about your dog's barking

What Can You Do?

You have to determine what stimulus makes your dog bark. Dogs bark from all kinds of reasons - people walking past your residence, boredom or other dogs. Finding the cause of barking can help you eliminate it and reduce or even neutralize the reaction of your dog.

An animal should never be punished with physical violence. However, if you consider other types of punishment, do not apply them if your dog is under stress or is just scared. These two are also important factors that can cause the excessive barking. You can use positive training techniques instead of coercion. There are three different types of positive techniques and they include exposing the dog repeatedly to the stimuli that annoy him (such as meeting another dog while walking with you) while you try to calm it down and prevent the barking, distracting it with treats so that it does not pay attention to the stimuli anymore, or reshaping - barking on command. Sometimes none of the above works, so you need to resort to a professional dog trainer.

About The Bark Collar?

Many dog owners successfully eliminate excess barking by putting a bark collar on their dog. Three different methods are available, as well as combinations of methods for even greater effectiveness.

A popular bark collar is the one that uses citrus spray that is pulverized whenever your dog barks. These spray collars come in two versions. The first one pulverizes the spray without any warning and the other one utters a hissing sound that precedes the spraying, as a warning. Whenever the dog hears the sound, it will not start to bark for fear that it would get sprayed.

Sonic or ultrasonic dog Bark collars work by producing a "dog whistle" sound - a sound so low that generally only dogs can hear it - whenever the barking happens. The dog doesn't like the sound; it becomes annoying or distracting and the dog will bark less often.

There are also electronic barking collars you can use; they give the dog a shock whenever it barks. The method does not hurt your dog, but it can substantially reduce barking.

You can find alternatives to these collars, but they will not be as effective. These collars have three versions - they can be electronic, with citronella spray or sonic and ultrasonic sound. No type of bark collar can hurt your dog, but it can successfully prevent excessive barking.

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The Top Two Automatic Litter Box Reviews

By Shanda Boyle

Every person likes a small furry cat however not everybody likes the not-so-little mess which they generally leave behind. Fortunately, new cat litter boxes have come in outlets and coping with the mess is nothing like before. While larger than the regular kitten pan, automatic cleaners all however get rid of the requirement for litter cleaning. In case you're doubtful of what to purchase, take a look at automatic litter box reviews to provide you a leg up.

Two popular kitten litter containers, the Litter Robot and Cat Genie are 2 extremely common brands. The Litter Robot, that is similar to an old diving helmet, is the simpler of these two. It works with any kind of clumping litter, and it sifts itself as well as deposits kitten waste in the big container on the bottom of the container. With a round the container cover and a carbon filter, the Litter Robot tremendously lessens the smell of a typical kitten container. Accessible in white, beige, black, or even an ecological grey units made from reused plastics, the litter container can easily fit in with any kind of decoration. For the slightly bigger cat, their is a long litter robot model with increased wiggle space. A front situated step could help the less sporty kitten.

Since this litter container does not make use of rakes or grates like automatic litter containers we are accustomed to saying, there is almost no maintenance. The only disadvantage to this kitten litter container is the big price tag. Just be sure you have got a large enough area to place it.

The Kitten Genie automatic litter box offers a totally different system. Appearing a lot like a normal toilet unit and almost as big in diameter, the Kitten Genie utilizes permanent granules as well as a liquefying system to take out pet mess as well as waste. After being cleansed of mess, the granules are scrubbed and then washed by the machine and dried out for cat convenience. The waste is gathered in a box to be flushed later on, or if preferred, it could be connected by means of a normal hose to a water connection for automatic removal. The sanitizing method must be modified, the granules must be changed once a year, as well as the water sensor must be washed once in a while, however that is all the servicing the unit claims to need.

The Kitten Genie looks like the litter container sent from heaven, however there're few disadvantages. Installation could be complicated and you should be able to put this machine close to a water line. Additionally, some reviewers noted that the device did not dry the granules completely, making cat disappointed when he returns for his next visit.

Marked at approximately $350 and $250 respectively, neither system comes cheap and there is no guarantee your cat will be interested in such an elaborate system. Thankfully, both come with money back offers in the case of an uncooperative pet! Either way, shop around and check out more automatic litter box reviews!

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How To Cope With Your Furry Friend Cat's Skin Ailments

By Matthew stewart

Cats are such adorable creatures so it is no wonder why many folks choose cats to be their pets. Many cat owners love to cuddle up with their pets and stroke their heavy fur. However, cat owners need to cope with several cat issues like skin problems every now and then. To make sure that your pet cat is in good health, check its skin frequently to see if it is experiencing any skin problems or not.

When examining your pet cat's skin, you'll be able to carefully rub its skin with your fingers. Try to find if your cat's skin has any abrasive or patchy textures or areas. If you sense anything rough, split the cat's fur and check closely at its skin. There are several skin conditions that cats suffer from so it will be good if cat owners are aware of them.

Apart from finding patchy or rough areas on your cat skins, you will also know in case your pet has skin-related cat problems by observing it. You can ask specialists about them or else you can do some library or internet research. Some of the very common symptoms connected with skin problems include excessive thirst and urination, inactivity, dehydration, and sleepiness.

Most of the skin-related cat problems are due to insect bites, meals, or allergic reactions. Insect bites can become contagious or can become infected so it's better to seek advice from a vet about what to do best in this sort of situation. Food is another major reason for a lot of skin-related cat problems. A cat must get good diet to prevent having numerous kinds of skin ailments. A cat can also get allergies from the food it eats. There are also external factors like cleaners and pollen grains that lead to allergies in cats.

Though many skin-related cat problems are essentially non-life threatening, it would still always be advisable to meet with a vet. Aside from the need to identify the problem as soon as possible, seeking medical advice would be wise. This is necessary so that your cat will get the proper medical assistance and be recommended with the right drugs that it needs.

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Overlooked Yet Helpful Guide To Dog Training

By Felix Jones

There are quite a few things with the potential to affect us, and training a puppy has lived-up to that capability. Indeed, it is not all that hard to see it at work in your daily life or the lives of people you know, possibly. As you learn more, you will quickly realize there is a great deal more than meets they eye. There is sufficient awareness surrounding this so people know what to anticipate. Not only that, but it is completely natural and normal to want to find what you are searching for. That is why we want to provide you with some relevant tips about training a puppy, and hopefully they will help you in the future.

The process of learning by experience in a dogs life is dormant for the initial stages of their lives. Scott and Fuller, two research analysists of the study of dogs speculate that sense, motor organs and brains of the puppy are usually underdeveloped once they are born and they cannot therefore be taught anything tangible during this period. If you are considering getting a puppy dog then you are going to have to think of it as a company manager; every small business owner invests time to learn about the top online marketing strategies and utilising solutions such as Unique Article Wizard along with Market Samurai to help them improve their small business. As a animal owner you are going to have to dedicate some time to teach your puppy on how you would like it to conduct himself or herself.

The socialization period is a phase in the dog's life that is characterized by social activity on the part of the dog. In the socialization phase, a puppy is constantly engaged in social play and exhibits very curious tendencies. A puppy is more adventurous and engages in playful fights and playful sexual behavior when it has attained the socialization stage.

According to Scott and Fuller, two research analysists of the study of dogs, when a puppy is between the ages of twelve and fourteen weeks, it begins to respond more rapidly to quick movements and sounds. At fourteen weeks, a puppy gradually learns to distinguish what situation is potentially dangerous and which one is safe enough for it. Puppies at the age of fourteen weeks are teachable.

Has what you have found added to your previous knowledge? There is a great deal in the body of knowledge surrounding training a puppy. A lot of men and women have found certain other areas are helpful and contribute good information. You should be careful about making too many assumptions until the big picture is more clear. Do you know exactly the kind of information that will help? If not, then you should learn more about this. You have a solid base of a few important points, and we will make that much stronger for you as follows.

Dogs are inclined to chew valuable household items into stumps or bits. Having a dog as part and parcel of the home can be extremely bothersome if you lack patience and an acute sense of humor. Be sure to purchase chew toys for your dog in order to prevent it from chomping on your things.

Dogs are inclined to chew valuable household items into stumps or bits. Having a dog as part and parcel of the home can be extremely bothersome if you lack patience and an acute sense of humor. Be sure to purchase chew toys for your dog in order to prevent it from chomping on your things.

Despite the fact that dogs are intelligent creatures, you can easily confuse them especially when you give them a lot of toys that are alike in size, color or shape. Make sure you buy a few different toys for your dog to chew on. If your dog loves digging into old shoes or something similar, buy toys that resemble its preference to discourage it from making a meal out of your shoes. It is not tough to become a good puppy owner and the love and respect that you will receive from your hairy buddy will be well worth the time that you invest to training your furry companion.

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Outside Garbage Bins Are A Have to For Any Enterprise Or Municipality

By Juan Ebert

Outside garbage bins are a virtual necessity for any organization or public use area, and they are able to be both functional along with attractive. When investing in garbage bins, it really is critical to produce positive the ones you purchase are intended well and can take the pressure the general public will put them by way of in addition to ensuring they are straightforward to clean and sustain. couple of individuals consider much about what makes an excellent product, but seeking at these elements when taking into consideration your next obtain will allow you to reduce wasted time, money and foster an attractive spot for men and women to do away with their trash.

Outside garbage bins reflect on their owner's property. They may either improve the atmosphere and surroundings by blending in with color and shape and by where they are placed. By deciding on bins of the correct materials, color and size from the start, their owner will expertise minimal organic put on and tear. Moreover, when the bins are chosen correctly for the type of garbage, they have a tendency to final longer and are a lot more fitting for the surroundings.?

feel of this scenario, if you are hunting for garbage bins to be utilised outside of a busy location to consume, it's necessary to create sure that the opening is large enough to take care ofthe large and bulky bags which will most commonly be thrown away.However, if individuals in front of one's retailer seem to throw away smaller items which include wrappers, scraps from their pockets and smaller drink bottles, then you could make the most of garbage bins that have smaller and less trashy seeking openings.

The most effective garbage bins available on the market nowadays are made with high precision superior and materials which are very carefully crafted to withstand weather and to serve any objective. Their practical design search good also. They also are available in different price tag tags. Although a bin might price much less, its top quality could be much less as well. Pick the appropriate bins and pay the proper value may mean not acquiring to obtain additional bins later.

Garbage bins are nicely researched and developed right now. With lots of alternatives to choose from locally, selecting the right ones for their function together with beauty might be a good choice.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why Your Pet May Need A Veterinary Hospital Beaverton

By Nannie Rice

A veterinarian is someone that can diagnose and treat any type of ailment which is related to many different kinds of animals. And although they usually care for our pets, they also can treat animals that are in the zoo or even from the wild. Many also are involved in research concerning animal disease, and in this article we will take a closer look at a veterinary hospital Beaverton.

Along with the diagnosis of health problems, the vet can also do vaccinations against different disease, treat wounds along with surgeries, provide medications and can also advise owners on issues including the feeding, breeding and care of their pets. In addition to dogs and cats, most will also care for birds, reptiles, ferrets and rabbits.

Many also specialize exclusively in farm animals. This includes cattle, goats, pigs as well as horses. Some of the things which they are dealing with on ranches and farms include testing for disease along with doing vaccinations, repairing fractures and also providing advice to farmers on things concerning animal production along with housing.

To work in this occupation requires a lot of training as well as education. Students will have to complete graduation with a medical degree from accredited colleges, and to gain admission it's required to complete many hours of undergraduate study, and in fact many will have a bachelors degree.

The competition is very intense to get in these schools, and very few will be accepted. Upon graduation, most choose to go through the internship program, and while they are learning they will also be receiving a small salary. In order to get board certified it is required to finish a residency program, and the training in these is very intense as well.

Some of the courses which will be required will include cardiology, ophthalmology, anesthesiology, neurology, surgery along with dentistry, to name just a few. Every state requires that they have a license before they can start to practice. Those who are trained outside of the United States must also meet requirements in the English language.

We all consider our pets as valued members of our family and most of us are aware of the importance of having advanced care provided to them. Many owners are also starting to buy insurance for their dogs and cats, technology is now allowing many services to them that were once only available to humans.

veterinary hospital Beaverton

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Take The Time To Check Out Pet Adoption Orlando Shelter

By Socorro Short

Before you make the decision to buy a pet at the pet shop or through an expensive breeder, you might want to first consider the available animals at the shelter. Indeed, you may be surprised to find the perfect animal there waiting to be rescued by you. Take the time to visit the pet adoption Orlando shelter for finding the animal you take home with you.

When you adopt an animal from a shelter, you are not only saving a lot of money, you are doing something much nobler in saving that animals life. The pets awaiting homes at shelters across the country are desperate to go home with the family that will love and cherish them. Think about how this would feel when you take home one.

By choosing animals at the shelter, you are also helping to stop pet overpopulation. Make the time to sit and talk with adoption counselors about the pets that would best suit your home and lifestyle. Adoption counselors are highly trained at matching up owners with the perfect pets. The great part about adopting these animals is they are already spayed or neutered, wormed, and vaccinated.

Whether you would like a cat or dog, a shelter has great selections. You can choose puppies or kittens or you may prefer to choose an older animal that has already had some training. For instance, an adult cat is most likely already litter box trained. The adult dog may already be house broken. These are great benefits for the pet owner that is not familiar with the techniques best for training.

If your heart is set on a certain breed of dog or cat, you should also check with the shelter before going to a breeder or pet store. Some breeds are expensive and think how you would feel if you paid that price only to learn one was at the shelter all the time. Many purebred animals pass through the doors of shelters all the time. Keep a check for your favorite breed. You will most likely find it when you stay on top of the search. Adoption counselors can place you on a waiting list for a particular breed as well.

You might have heard myths surrounding the kind of animals found at your local shelter. You should know that most of the animals at shelters across the country are there due to irresponsible owners. The temperament is tested rigorously for every animal that goes up for adoption. Visit the shelter to see for yourself the animals waiting to go home to new home and loving family.

Make plans to visit a pet adoption Orlando shelter today for finding the friend that will always be loyal and trustworthy. If you do not find that animal in your first trip, you can come back as many times as you wish until you do find him or her.

pet adoption Orlando

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The Comprehensive Animal Hospital Huntington Beach Offers High Quality Pet Care

By Phoebe Salas

Sharing your life with a pet is one of the most joyous and fulfilling things you can do, so when something goes wrong with your furry friend, or they simply need a check up or a bit of preventative care, you naturally want to take them to the best veterinary care facility available. Animal hospital Huntington Beach provides specialist care for just such circumstances. They are open Monday through Saturday, and are committed to providing your pet with only the highest standard of care

Dedicated and expert staff make it a point to keep you informed on all aspects of your pet's care, and will always consult with you on every decision made. It is their priority to make sure that you and your pet are always happy so that your furry friend receives only top quality attention and care.

The dedicated doctors and staff are fully committed to your pet's complete and total care, promoting an atmosphere of healing, goodwill and comfort so that your pet is always happy and looked after whilst undergoing treatment or observation. The health and well-being of your furry friend is of the utmost importance to them.

All variety of animals in the Huntington Beach and local area have been well looked after by the veterinary hospital for more than three decades. Not only owners of cats and dogs, but also of all kinds of small mammals, birds and other exotics have been relying on the quality of service the hospital continues to provide. If your pet needs any kind of medical attention, such as laser surgery, radiography or ultrasound, or even acupuncture, you can find it here.

If your pet should ever require longer stays for one night or more, they can take advantage of the fully serviced boarding kennels. This is indoor accommodation that is climate controlled and comfortable. There is also a hydro-surge bath service available so your pet remains fresh smelling and clean.

Each highly qualified doctor and staff member keeps up to date with the latest veterinary developments and techniques to ensure the best level of care for your pet. The hospital uses state-of-the-art technology when providing medical care for their clients, and works in association with a veterinary university for teaching purposes.

Whether an adult or just a puppy, your pet will benefit from the individualized care and specialist knowledge offered by the hospital. If it's a physical procedure or examination that they need, a special nutritional diet, dental care or preventative medicine, the hospital is fully equipped to provide it.

Animal hospital Huntington Beach offers a comprehensive range of services and personalized consultations for all veterinary and animal care needs. There are many services offered, including flea treatment, dog training, an animal ambulance that operates at all hours, and even adoptions if you are looking for a pet to own. Pet food is also available at the hospital as part of their service, and if your pet requires a special diet, or any of a wide range of general and pet care products, such as for grooming, flea control or even toys, you can also find them here.

Animal Hospital Huntington Beach

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Films Are More Realistic Because Of Movie Livestock Rentals

By Alisha Phillips

When a studio is producing a movie that requires animals, they get the animals from one of the many companies that offer movie livestock rentals. Many of these companies have been providing animals to movie studios for generations, and they can provide many different types of domestic animals, from pets like cats and dogs, to farm animals like horses and cows. Studios can even rent birds and rodents for their films, when necessary. Being able to use animals in a film makes the movie more realistic.

None of the stock that comes from a rental company are, in fact, wild animals. They have all been specially trained to be accustomed to movie sets and great distractions, such as loud noises, flashing lights, water, fire, and other things that would likely scare an untrained animal. An animal who is not familiar with these types of things could pose a danger to other animals, as well as the people who are working with it.

All animals used in motion pictures are well treated. Rules that are in place to protect the animals as well as the people working with them are overseen by the American Humane Association's Film and Television Unit. The Unit deals with violations and gives studios the permission to use their disclaimer that no animals were harmed in their credits.

All animals used in films come with their own trainer, who is responsible for supervising everyone's interaction with the animal, as well as dealing with such things as the care and feeding, and clean up related to using an animal on the set. Often, actors, directors, and other people on a movie set are unfamiliar with dealing with animals, so it is beneficial to have a professional trainer that the animal is familiar with on hand.

Many ranches provide riding lessons, or other handling lessons, for actors who will be interacting with their animals. This helps to ensure a safe environment for everyone on set, as well as helping the actor look more natural when working with the animals on camera.

In addition to renting their animals, many companies will have props available for rental to film studios. These props further the realistic feel of a film, particularly period films that take place in the past. Props can range from horse drawn carriages to saddles, and are difficult to find anywhere else.

Animals have been used in films since they were first produced. Ranches offering movie livestock rentals help studios maximize the realism in their films, while adhering to a budget.

Movie Livestock Rentals

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Growing Your Family And Improving Your Life With The Love Of Ragdoll Kittens

By Alisha Phillips

A lot of people wish to adopt or buy animals to include in the family. If the animal you're thinking about bringing home is a cat, finding ragdoll kittens and bringing one home could quite possibly change your life in a way you never thought possible.

They grow into pretty big, muscular cats. They have fur that feels remarkably like rabbit fur. Some people believe this fur never mats, however, the fur still needs to brushed regularly. They have long coats. To keep them healthy and looking great, they need regular grooming. Their coloring is pointed like the Siamese or Himalayan. These points can be lilac, blue, chocolate or seal with or without white markings.

The eyes of this breed are truly captivating. They always have blue eyes, but the color of blue varies. Some are a deep bright blue, others are a very light blue. The color of their fur can be in three different patterns: mitted, bicolor and colorpoint. They start out being all white, and then develop their coloring as they get older.

They are very laid back, docile cats. They love to be in the arms of whatever person happens to pick them up. When held, they relax in a way that makes it seem as though they have no bones. Instead of roaming the streets looking for fights, like most cats (especially males) do, these guys are perfectly happy being inside lounging on the couch. They lack the instinct to fight, and would certainly get hurt if a fight happened to come their way.

Though they are gentle giants, they still love to play. They will play just like any other cat will. They are silly and charming felines who will most certainly touch your heart and make you laugh. They're not annoyingly loud like a lot of cats, and tend to fit right in to whatever family life they end up in.

If you decide on this breed, if you have small children, you must be sure to let them know that these cats are to be treated with kindness and respect. They can be easily hurt because they will not defend themselves. They should also never be allowed outside by themselves. If stray dogs or cats are nearby, your new kitty may be in danger of being hurt.

Petting, brushing and snuggling with pets, is a great way to reduce stress and improve overall health. If you choose ragdoll kittens as your new pet, your life can't help but be changed in a positive way. If you love cats but don't care for their usual independent nature, this little doll is the perfect choice. They love to be loved and love to give love.

ragdoll kittens

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It Is Quick Buying Pet Supplies Online

By Robert Baker

It is simple buying pet supplies online. A quick internet search can give you some great results. Then you can get the things for your pets without having to travel anywhere to get them, and they can be delivered to you with ease.

There are some really nice animal product outlets to be found on the internet. They usually have most if not all of what you need for your pet. You can easily scroll through the items available or type in the keywords in the search box to see if they have everything you need. They usually accept credit card payments but some also accept Pay Pal as well.

These great internet stores usually have all the top brands and other brands of animal products to choose from at the click of a button. They usually have the things you need to suit most budgets. They are usually clear on the length of time the items will take to deliver. They frequently offer various speeds of delivery and postage options.

They repeatedly have discounts, promotions and special sale times that can help you cut down on costs. If you give them your e-mail address if they request it then they can often let you know sale deadlines on things that are relevant to you. They can also give you newsletters.

Also they can occasionally send you discount codes for money off on your orders or postage costs. They sometimes do this when you have been shopping with them for a while and is a kind of loyalty bonus. These things can all add up in saving you money in the long run.

It is wonderful buying pet supplies online because of the fuss free way you can get the things you need quickly and easily without having to go to the store by foot. You can also see at a glance whether they have the items you want instead of having to travel to a store to find out they didn't have it after all. And because it is an online shop it is available for you to shop at twenty four hours a day even on weekends.

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Great Tips On How One Can Stop Cat Scratching Problem

By Robert Baker

If you own a cat, you probably are sentient of the damage they can cause to your furniture if you do not teach them to scratch on their scratching posts or pads. One of the best things cats likes to do is to plummet their claws into soft wood. Unfortunately, all cats scratch and it might become very intricate to stop cat scratching behavior completely. However, one of the best things you could do is redirect their attention to other objects.

You should clearly understand that scratching is a big part of their lives and that such actions are as a result of natural instincts that helps get rid of dead layers and claws in addition to stretching its muscles. Aside from these, the animals also scratch as away of marking their terrain. This is because they secrete a smell which is discernible to other animals of that kind.

In order to stop the animal from such behavior, the first thing to do is to supply the animal with a more suitable object. Therefore, owners should go out and purchase a scratching box or post. Since these animals go wild for catnip, it might be an excellent idea to spray or rub some of these onto the new toys. This may help attract the animal away from the furnishings in the house.

The animal is not likely to train itself hence one has to spend more time with it. Watching the animal close ensures that when it begins to scratch, it will be possible to distract it by a loud noise. When one gets all the attention, he or she should try and tempt the animal over the post or box using a tasty treat.

At this point the animal will be lured to scratch the box or post. When it starts doing this, treat and offer a lot of verbal praise. As time goes, the animal will get used to the idea. Therefore it is important that one offers the treat every now and then without overdoing it.

Naturally the animals will respond differently to training. Nonetheless, these tips should help stop cat scratching if one has the time and serenity to retrain the animals behavior.

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Finding Perfect Toys For Perfect Cats Is Quick, Effortless, And Enjoyable

By Robert Baker

Felines are the most popular pet in the world. They are loved for their playfulness and energy. Felines practice their hunting skills through play. Certain objects excite their natural instinct to pounce. Felines can become lethargic and depressed if not given enough opportunity to play. Finding the perfect toys for the perfect cats is easier than ever before. Feline owners will find many entertaining options from which to choose.

Strings are one of the most common forms of feline entertainment. Balls of yarn are the stereotypical cat toy for a reason. They are simple, cheap, and loved by felines. Many owners want to actively engage in playing with their cat. A simple ball of yarn may not be enough. In this case, a plastic fishing pole with a small fabric fish attached by a string can be an exciting toy for owners and felines alike.

Some animals love objects that are thrown by their owner. They love to chase small balls across the house. Some felines will stay busy for hours chasing a simple ball.

Catnip is a plant that produces a chemical that is a feline attractant. Felines are drawn to the aroma of the plant and will rub themselves against the catnip. Some cats will even eat the plant. The effects can be intoxicating for felines but only last a short period of time.

Technological advancements have made more advanced forms of feline entertainment extremely inexpensive. Lazer pointers can excite and confuse the feline's senses. They chase the beam of light thinking that it is an insect or small animal. Remote controlled mice are also becoming more common. They allow owners to actively play with their pets. The owner controls a small mouse with a remote control and many felines will chase and attack the mouse.

Cat towers that are covered in carpet are great places for felines to rest and relax. They also provide a safe surface for scratching. Many cats love carpeted towers and will spend hours enjoying them.

Different animals will be attracted to different types of objects. It all depends on their individual personality. Try experimenting with different objects to discover what you and our feline friends like to play with. Finding the perfect toys for the perfect cats is easier than ever.

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Finding Information On Cats: Some Tips

By Robert Baker

Whatever your reason for researching data on your feline friends, there's plenty of sources out there. There are many things to know about domesticated felines before you adopt one, so brushing up on your knowledge can help you to take better care of your pet. The internet has made finding information on cats a breeze.

First, start with searching for sites that have a positive reputation. Try sites that have been certified by the SPCA or the Animal Humane Society. This sort of distinction adds legitimacy to the information that they're putting out there. As always, with any advice or data, make sure to compare it to other sources to make sure that you're doing the right thing!

Perhaps you've been unable to find the correct data, despite searching for a long time. Try searching keywords rather than mere topics, like "Feline Advice, " or "Pet Care." You'll see sites pop up on the search results list. Try to use the ones situated more towards the top of the list, as this means they're probably more reputable.

Sometimes, however, you may find valuable advice not on the internet, but in books. Bookstores offer entire sections on pet care. Thrift shops often offer extremely inexpensive pet care guides, and you can even check out books at the library if you'd rather not spend anymore than you have to. On the other hand, you might be surprised how easy it is to get the knowledge you want without even having to read a book or website.

Finally, get involved with local clubs or shelters that promote animal well-being. Hang out with knowledgeable people on the subject that you're seeking to improve upon. Talk with your vet about issues that are puzzling you. That's what they're here for, so don't be shy. Vets know more about your animal than all the data you can find on the internet because they have real-life experience.

As you can see, there are may ways to find data about cats. It doesn't take much effort, especially if you have internet connection.

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Custom Pet Products For Domestic Animals To Wear And Play With

By Robert Baker

Over the last ten years the market for custom pet products has grown exponentially and ways to reach the public and encourage shopping have grown with internet online buying facilities. Large stores and outlets cater extensively to this ever growing market with various specialty items for pets.

Delectable specially prepared treats and food for the most astute animals are now readily available. One often finds that nothing is good enough for one's animal and at times a person may over extend the budget in order to buy a special treat for pets.

Outfits and accessories to rival those of most humans are now being produced for pets and their owners who want to make a fashion statement. Household items such as toiletries and bedding of superior quality and custom made are manufactured to suit any decor and taste.

Most companies and producers of goods depend heavily on advertising and pet commodities such as covers for bowls special collars and leads are being used to advertise on and given away as promotional items.

Dogs, cats and birds have traditionally been the accepted home pet but lately one finds that many exotic reptiles, primates, fish and larger wild and farm animals are now being favored above the norm and are slowly evolving into domesticated animals.

The product emphasis has also changed to suit this out of the ordinary trend and goods on sale at pet specialty outlets reflect the changing trends. Clothing, toys, food and other necessities are continually adapting to the varying demands from pet owners.

Custom pet products is ensuring each and every one of these treasured members of people's extended families have items to enhance their appearance and improve their quality of life.

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Havanese Rescue - Information Pet Owners Should Know About

By Sonia Miabella

Historically, operating animal rescue groups were composed of breeders and people genuinely concerned about neglected animals. You could say it was not, prior to their spread, a popular undertaking, but it was needed just the same. Of late, lots of these same-vein organizations have popped out; some of the specializing in particular breeds. There's been a marked rise in the number of Havanese rescue groups, so if you plan to adopt an adult dog from a rescue, these organizations may be indispensable in your search. What you need to cultivate is some healthy skepticism toward these Havanese rescue groups, since not all of them are what they claim to be.

You may not believe this, but there have been reports that some puppy mill operators pose as rescue groups, which then charge people a higher than normal fee for their supposedly rescued pups, or pass their unhealthy dogs at heavily discounted rates. What you need to keep in mind here is that puppy mills are after the profit they get from selling puppies, never mind if the bred pups are unhealthy or bred form parents with hereditary health problems.

Most rescue groups have their own installed practices and philosophies as far as focus, practice, and operations are concerned. You'll discover that there are also key differences in the process used by rescue groups in screening prospective adoptive homes. If you are planning to support a rescue group's effort, or of even joining them, you need to ask a lot of questions - this becomes especially vital if you plan to adopt from them.

About the their rescue procedures -about how they obtain their rescues, if and how the rescues are evaluated before placement. About the candidate adoptive homes, are home checks routinely performed prior to placement of rescued dogs in them? About donations, how do they solicit them and how are the donations being used? Meaning, are they used only for the dogs, or are they also used for operational maintenance costs?

Keep in mind that donations may also be used to buy dogs from puppy mills and shops and commercial breeders. Although this maybe a noble cause, it only presents itself as an opportunity for puppy mills to make money. Because if puppy mills don't sell their dog's to pet owners, they at least have a backup buyer. That's why breeding clubs and the Kennel Club oppose this manner of spending donations.

You should also ask about whether donations are used on operations that may be expensive instead of being used to rescue a larger number of dogs.

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Havanese Puppies - What Pet Owners Should Know

By Maria Perrini

The fluffy and cute face of Havanese puppies - and this is not a joke - can really make your day. If you live in an apartment and have been thinking what type of dog could adapt to a life there, then a Havanese is the breed you want. This breed originated from Cuba, only requires twice a week brushing (unlike other breeds), but needs routinely scheduled bats, and some clipping. This breed has a small body that only need now and again exercise, which shouldn't be too hard to squeeze into one's schedule. If you've heard that many small dog breeds are bad with children, the Havanese is an exception - it's great with kids. Properly raised, Havanese puppies make for great family pets.

Some tips on identifying a Havanese

The Havanese is classified as belong to a toy group, by the Kennel Association and the American Kennel Association. This breed weighs, or at least it should, between seven to thirteen pounds upon adulthood. The Havanese puppy has a shorter coat compared to an adult's. Adult Havanese have coats reaching from six to eight inches long. The silk coat of the puppy is curly or wave, and comes in many colors - chocolate, black, gold, cream, silver, white, blue, tricolor, parti. Havanese tend to give off the impression that its coat is warm, but that coat is really its protection from both the sun and overheating.

Training your Havanese

The personality of this breed is generally affectionate, friendly, smart, and playful. So this means, compared to other toy dog breeds, that training it will not be difficult. Start training the Havanese at an early age, keeping in mind that it needs socialization and to learn recognizing boundaries.

Feeding tips for your Havanese pups

You should get your liter of Havanese pups from a reputable breeder, as it's very hard to find healthy pups with documented breeding info at dog shelters. You need to know and continue the food the breeder had been giving the pups until the moment you bought them. These pups, as is characteristic of their breed, have very sensitive stomachs. You want to keep their stomachs digesting the same type of food they are already accustomed to. Look for soft stool from your pups in case you have to feed them unfamiliar food; the soft stools indicate their stomachs are having a hard time adapting to the new food. One other occasion when the soft stool may be exhibited is when the pups are given too many treats. You want to feed your Havanese puppies three controlled meals per day, until they are six months of age; then you only need to feed them twice a day.

Health worries you need to know about

The Havanese is a comparatively healthy breed, but there are some genetic and hereditary conditions you should know about. Among them are deafness, cataracts, cherry eye, hip dysplasia, slipped kneecaps, liver shunts, and chondrodysplasia. That's partly why you should keep to your pup's scheduled visits or vaccination sessions, as your vet can check for these problems during such visits.

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How to Care For Your Guinea Pig

By Madeleine Bates

Guinea pigs, also known as cavies, are popular household pets despite the general disdain for rodents. Yes, a Guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig because it's a rodent like rats and mice. Its popularity lies in the fact that these are small animals requiring little space and minimal care and yet provide for great happiness from their cute antics. Read on and find out how you can ably care for a Guinea pig.

First, you must place the cage indoors so that your pet can be protected from other animals and from the natural elements. The cage must be of sufficient size to allow the Guinea pig to move freely, which can aid in exercise as well. The cage must also have a soft but solid bottom to protect the Guinea pigs' delicate paws. You must regularly clean the cage to prevent the formation of harmful germs, viruses and bacteria.

Second, you have to prepare the food and water even before you take home these adorable pets. Experts suggest feeding these animals a mixture of grass hay, green vegetable salads and commercial pellets according to their health needs. You must also provide for cavy-friendly ascorbic acid to protect your pet from scurvy. When given proper nutrition, your cavy can live to be 5 years old.

Third, you should regularly check a cavy's cavities particularly its eyes, nose and ears since these are highly prone to infections. Keep in mind that Guinea pigs have the natural instinct to hide their illnesses until their owners notice but it will be too late by then. The eyes must be clear, bright and fully opened while the ears must be warm to your touch. If you see any sign of sores on these cavities, rush your pet to the vet for immediate medical action.

Fourth, your pet must be brushed with a soft baby brush on a daily basis. The purpose is to remove loose hair and, thus, lessen shedding that can be difficult to remove on the sofa. This is especially true for long-haired cavies as well as for show cavies although short-haired ones also require brushing for grooming purposes. Just remember not to give Guinea pigs baths on a daily basis since these are unnecessary until such time that these animals start to smell.

Be sure to use especially-formulated shampoo coupled with warm water for the baths. It is also important to keep the bath short to avoid the animal becoming chilled. Rub the cavy with a towel as soon as the bath is finished. Be careful about getting water into its ears as well.

Fifth, you must be an observant owner. Cavies are excellent at hiding their illnesses so it pays to watch your cavy closely for any abnormal behavior and signs. These red warning signs include refusal to eat and drink, labored breathing, loss of balance and excessive hair loss, among others. An excellent professional relationship with a veterinarian is essential in ensuring that your pet stays healthy for as long as possible.

And of course, Guinea pigs require plenty of companionship from other pets and from their owners. You must take the time to play with them as a form of social behavior training. Your pets can be the well-adjusted animals in the block. You will even hear of cavies becoming friends with your cat!

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The Best Ways to Rehabilitate Animals

By Louise Parry

The concept of animal cruelty differs in varying degrees between societies. Take the case of dogs being slaughtered during tribal ceremonies, which is not considered as cruelty toward animals within that particular tribe but is condemned as cruelty by other cultures. The idea of dog rescue is thus completely acceptable in one culture while being totally ridiculous in another society. Fortunately, humanity in general is making significant steps in animal rehabilitation. But we must first define animal rehabilitation. It is the repair of any injury to an animal of which the most common cause is either the action or inaction of humans. Many types of animal rehabilitation exist including the care poured into the treatment of physical wounds and the healing of the psychological injuries inflicted on an abused animal in any setting. The ultimate goal of animal rehabilitation is to bring the animal to full physical and psychological health.

In a dog rescue shelter, different stories of animal cruelty can be heard ranging from emotional negligence to physical torture. All of these stories can touch the heart of animal lovers and even indifferent individuals. The reason is simple - cruelty to any living being resonates in our souls. The good news is that these rescue shelters have the facilities and staff to rehabilitate ill dogs. But of course, we must all help in animal rehabilitation. Rescue shelters can only do so much in treating wounded animals. The best thing that you can do is to be observant of your surroundings where animals are concerned. Both wild and domesticated animals may find havens in a dog rescue shelter, in a government facility or in your home.

If you decide to place the injured animal in a rescue center, it is a nice gesture if you can donate time, effort and money to the organization. Since these shelters are non-profit organizations with a volunteer staff, your assistance will go a long way. You will also be able to learn many things about animal rehabilitation from dressing wounds to soothing fears that can be applied to your own pets at home. Or better yet, your knowledge can be applied to animals brought into your home-slash- dog rescue shelter.

You may also decide to turn over victims of animal cruelty to the appropriate government facilities. In many cases, the agriculture department handles cases involving injuries to wild animals especially protected species. Take note that many states require caregivers of wounded animals to secure state permits. Exceptions can be made under emergency situations but it is always best to consult with local authorities.

You may care for wounded animals in your home. Just be sure to comply with the conditions imposed by the law on these matters. These conditions can include notifying the concerned officials, providing for proper care and releasing the animal into the wild at the right time. Again, release into the wild is the ultimate goal of animal rehabilitation.

In your custody, you must take good care of the animal. Such care involves regular assessments of its health so that release into the wild can be done when the animal is well. Keep in mind that your efforts to nurse animal into good health will be for naught when it is not ready in the first place. Ask for opinions from the more experienced staff at the dog rescue shelter for more information.

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