Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What do birds like eating?

By Bobby Lee

What do birds like eating? Here we came to my favorite topic : I'm a great glutton that is why I try to please my birds .

The chief parrot food is millet. It's sold in each and every "bird" shop . There should always be enough millet into the bird cage , birds know themselves how much to eat . They also take pleasure in oats greatly but just oats ( unpeeled , absolutely natural ) which I haven't seen anywhere in shops : - ((. It is found just as an addition in combined food . As a compromise variant, oat kernels can be given .

They also enjoy sunflower seeds , although not baked obviously Give sunflower seeds to your bird only several times monthly because it consists of lots of fats and the bird gets stout. Before giving it to the bird, it's good to crash it a bit (thus they will eat it easily) .

They absolutely enjoy fresh vegetables! They die for cucumbers , lettuce, carrots, peppers and pepper seeds ( they shouldn't be hot !). They also eat cabbage . Be cautious with nitrates ! They're particularly harmful for birds because they can actually kill them. If it's possible avoid purchasing food cultivated in green - houses.

Other " green food " which they like very much is ordinary fresh and tender grass . I mean ryegrass , clover especially couch - grass or something likes , although not that grass ! Something that you should never give them is parsley ! I don't know why , but it is written so in the books and I have not made experiments what's going to happen to them if I feed birds with parsley .

Give them fresh fruit at any possibility apples (They like cores because of the seeds ), pears , plums as well as pumpkin. I have not noticed them to like citrus fruit .

All fruit and vegetables ought to be well washed .

Give them hard - boiled egg ( a quarter of egg per two birds ) a minimum of once a month. From it, they supply themselves with proteins and vitamin D.

Don't throw the shell away ! Give it to them finely crushed . It provides them with calcium .

One more resource of calcium is chalk . Birds gnaw it with appetite so be sure always to make available chalk in the cage .

Birds like eating bread. It doesn't matter what kind it is . Put a piece of slightly damped bread between the bars and they will tackle it in order that your appetite will come back to you.

There ought to always be sand in the bird cage ( that's the reason I told you in the start that you ought to purchase 2 vessels for food ). They need the sand in order to assimilate food easier. Food does not go to the bird's stomach directly. Prior to that, it stays for some time into its throat. There due to enzymes and the sand all grain foods taken get broken to pieces, get soft and get digested preliminary . The sand should be fine , that is why you need to sift it well and to get rid of the coarse fractions , simply because they can block the bird's throat . It's compulsory to wash the sand , to boil it for a short time in hot water, to dry it and just then to give it to the birds . Sea - sand is extremely appropriate , but it must be well - washed from salt !!! Salt isn't very useful for birds .

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