Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Finding Perfect Toys For Perfect Cats Is Quick, Effortless, And Enjoyable

By Robert Baker

Felines are the most popular pet in the world. They are loved for their playfulness and energy. Felines practice their hunting skills through play. Certain objects excite their natural instinct to pounce. Felines can become lethargic and depressed if not given enough opportunity to play. Finding the perfect toys for the perfect cats is easier than ever before. Feline owners will find many entertaining options from which to choose.

Strings are one of the most common forms of feline entertainment. Balls of yarn are the stereotypical cat toy for a reason. They are simple, cheap, and loved by felines. Many owners want to actively engage in playing with their cat. A simple ball of yarn may not be enough. In this case, a plastic fishing pole with a small fabric fish attached by a string can be an exciting toy for owners and felines alike.

Some animals love objects that are thrown by their owner. They love to chase small balls across the house. Some felines will stay busy for hours chasing a simple ball.

Catnip is a plant that produces a chemical that is a feline attractant. Felines are drawn to the aroma of the plant and will rub themselves against the catnip. Some cats will even eat the plant. The effects can be intoxicating for felines but only last a short period of time.

Technological advancements have made more advanced forms of feline entertainment extremely inexpensive. Lazer pointers can excite and confuse the feline's senses. They chase the beam of light thinking that it is an insect or small animal. Remote controlled mice are also becoming more common. They allow owners to actively play with their pets. The owner controls a small mouse with a remote control and many felines will chase and attack the mouse.

Cat towers that are covered in carpet are great places for felines to rest and relax. They also provide a safe surface for scratching. Many cats love carpeted towers and will spend hours enjoying them.

Different animals will be attracted to different types of objects. It all depends on their individual personality. Try experimenting with different objects to discover what you and our feline friends like to play with. Finding the perfect toys for the perfect cats is easier than ever.

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