Sunday, March 27, 2011

Chihuahua Training - Acquire Your Small Animal

By Matt Knox

Chihuahua training can be one of the best things you do with your new (or old) pet. Not only will you wind up with a better pet, you'll create a robust bond with your dog as you go thru the training. It is important that you start training your dog as fast as possible because every day you wait is one more day you have got to tolerate aggression, biting, barking, chewing, jumping, and bathroom "accidents".

Chihuahua training can present some unique challenges that you do not get with other dogs. This doesn't mean they're bad dogs or you shouldn't own one, you just need to realize their nature in order to better train one. These tiny dogs are frail. They really aren't suited to be around kids as kids tend to be a bit rough on pets and this can badly hurt or kill a Chihuahua. Even simple things like leaping out of your arms or off the lounger can seriously injure this small dog.

Chihuahuas are also one of the hardest dogs to house train. While some dogs will simply take to going outside to go to the bathroom, these little dogs seem to have a tricky time grasping the postulate that they should not poop on the floor.

Another potentially worrying characteristic for Chihuahua training is stubbornness. These dogs are very smart and have a mind of their own. They can also be manipulative so you have got to take a strong hand and be consistent with training. If you give them an inch, they'll take a mile. They are also prone to nonstop barking and erratic behavior. While their small bark is cute initially, it can really start to wear on your nerves.

Now that you are conscious of a bunch of possible issues, it's time to talk about the solution. You actually need to have structured training. The best move to make is to get a program like the techniques to Dog Training and do your Chihuahua training at home. This allows you to work on your own schedule and saves some money over formal dog training classes. If this fails, move on to formal dog training classes or maybe doggie basic training camp.

All that it takes is some love and dedication and you may have a great tiny pet. Good luck with your Chihuahua training.

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