Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ways To Get Rid Of Dog Hot Spots

By Jennifer Gretson

If your dog loses quite a lot of hair in some areas of its body, it may be an indication that the dog has what is known as dog hot spots. Sometimes you may notice that the area is wet, but not always. It is fairly easy to treat, but any underlying causes must also be eliminated.

Hot spots develop as a result of bacterial infection. The environment, especially if it offers conditions favorable the growth of the bacteria can play a big part. Grooming, behavioral issues and allergies can also play a role in whether hot spots will develop.

Sometimes allergies caused by parasites or even food for instance irritate the skin of a dog with a good immune system. The dog starts to lick the area excessively, creating a moist area where the bacteria can develop. This causes further irritation and the dog starts to scratch, resulting in the loss of fur over a period of time. Other factors such as boredom or anxiety can also lead to the loss of fur.

The preferred treatment consists of clipping the hair around the affected area and then regularly treating it with a mild antiseptic. A veterinarian should see the dog when these symptoms develop. The issue may not be a simple as it seems. Sometimes the animal may continue to lick while it is being treated. In that case the use of an e-collar is advisable to keep the head or the animal away from the area while it is healing

The problem is a little more complicated than just one simple treatment though. Sometimes a cure requires seeing the bigger picture. This involves finding the underlying problem. As long as that persists so will the infection. It is not always easy to find out the deeper problem, but it is necessary to put and end to the problem once and for all.

Grooming the dog more often will help if the problem is either poor grooming or lack of attention. Use the right brush and groom the dog at least twice a week. This is especially important if the dog has long, thick fur. Clip the fur from time to time if the weather is not too cold or take the dog to a groomer. Home grooming should also be done making use of a brush that is suitable for the dog.

Getting the better of an allergy can be difficult. First the cause has to be found. You must determine whether it is a parasite or allergy. Then you must determine where the problem comes from. In the case of parasites like fleas a bath with the right shampoo should be effective. If not medication might help. If not you are dealing with an allergy and that can be complicated to find out what causes it. Change the food to see if that takes away the problem. If not there must be something in the home of yard causing it. Finding it may prove to be very difficult and sometimes the only way is blocking off a certain area to see if that helps. If not, you move on the next.

To keep your animal the top dog it should be, make sure it does not have dog hot spots. Start treatment as soon as you notice loss of hair in some places. Give the dog the attention it needs and help prevent boredom by giving it some toys. Prevention is better than cure and taking away the underlying causes may stop the bacteria from gaining a foothold.

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