Monday, June 11, 2018

Things To Know Before Buying Ragdoll Kittens For Sale Alabama

By Frank Ross

Right now you are on this article because you are in the market for a pet. And perhaps you are not looking for just any pet, but more specifically a pet cat. Most of your friends have recommended a ragdoll as your next pet and you are now looking for ragdoll kittens for sale Alabama. Before you do go out and plunk down your hard earned cash, then do read on in this article for more information.

Prices for these cats have remained on average quite high, as the demand far outstrips supply due to their popularity. Their popularity has actually been on the rise since their appearance on the market in the 1960s as bred and introduced by Ann Baker. Expect prices to be on the average of around fie hundred dollars to upwards of one thousand dollars per kitten, with prices going higher depending on bloodlines and championship breeding.

These cats have a unique physical feature only reserved for their breed, and that is that they will only have blue eyes. Thus you cannot have a ragdoll with eyes of any other color. In addition, these kittens are all born white, so you will not really know exactly what color they are until they get older. Color patterns will have shades of seal, blue, chocolate and lilac.

As regards physiology of this cat, it is what gives it the distinct character of the ragdoll, as to how it acts. When it is picked up it will become limp, and practically boneless, very much like it namesake. This it will do no matter who picks it up, stranger or otherwise. It is thus also a cat that is prone to be easily kidnapped or catnapped as the case maybe, and therefore must be kept inside a majority if not all of the time.

A doglike characteristic of this cat is that it will love to follow you everywhere you go in the house. On top of this they like to be made part of any activity that would be happening at the given moment. They are also gentle playmates, as they do not claw and scratch at things they play with, but rather just paw and push them. This makes them ideal to keep with small children for there will be no fear of them accidentally getting clawed or scratched.

These cats are also classified as one of the biggest domestic cats, but do not let this fool you. Although their size may be imposing to some, they cannot defend themselves in a fight, even if their life depended on it, literally. Thus this is another reason they should be kept indoors to avoid any scraps or scuffles with other animals outdoors.

As regards health it will have problems with bladder stones and also some heart complications As for the former, this can be assuaged or minimized by letting it have lots of water and also to keep it away from salty foods. It is best to follow a diet from your vet. As for its heart complications, a regular visit to the vet is the best you can do to keep it at bay.

Thus this article has give you some basic facts and considerations about this breed that you should think over. It is always a prudent thing to get as much information on a breed before taking it on so that you can be a responsible pet owner.

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