Thursday, April 25, 2019

How To Choose The Right Litter Box For You

By Ruth Young

Of all the many positive aspects of having a cat, dealing with their toilet is no one's favorite part. However, it is something that every pet owner has to deal with, so why not make it as easy and as positive as it can be? There are so many different types of litter box available nowadays that it is easy to find one that works for you and your fluffy friend.

The most simple option available to you is one that can be found just about anywhere, and you may have even been given one free when you first got your cat. The simple box with no frills or lids or doors. You fill it with a litter of your choice and that's that. The benefit of this type is that is is clear when you need to empty or clean it, so you are less likely to forget.

Once they are a little older and bigger and know what they are doing, you can then try a deeper one. This usually means there will be less mess as they can't kick all the litter out when they are covering up their business. It also means if you want to you can put more litter inside. This is ideal for cats that like to dig quite deep before going to the toilet.

The hooded one is my personal favorite for many reasons. Firstly it gives the cat a little privacy, which some prefer. Secondly it stops any accidents, such as if they miss the inside of the box or for tomcats who like to lift a leg. Thirdly it is more pleasant for the humans in the house as you can't see what is inside and the smell is also reduced.

For those willing to spend a little extra money for something fancier, a self-cleaning one is a good option. They are never completely self-cleaning, but they do make the job a lot easier and quicker, plus it is something a little different to try out. Just don't expect it to solve all of your cat toilet problems as they are limited in what they can do.

If you are unsure how many boxes you should have in your house, it really depends on the individual needs of the cat. Some are very fussy and won't share their toilet with another cat. However, others are more than happy to have one toilet among 2 or 3 cats. The important thing is to keep an eye on their habits and make sure they aren't going anywhere other than their toilet.

One option that is a firm favorite with many pet owners, is to have none. The only down side to this option is that you can't monitor their health by observing their waste. It can take time to train a cat to do their business outside, but it is preferable for the owner and the cat and much better for the environment as it reduces waste.

Dealing with a cat's toilet is unpleasant, but as pet owners we really have no choice and it is our responsibility to make sure they are looked after properly. After a while you will find you are not as squeamish and don't really mind doing it as it becomes second nature to you and just another chore that needs to be done around the house.

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