Saturday, March 26, 2011

Examples Of Birds That Have Shown Intelligence

By Celia Crouch

People perceived birds in different ways, some consider them as pest and some use them for sports and even for food. Intelligence is the last attribute to be associated with them but intelligent birds do exist.

Interestingly, there are some birds that thrive in some regions in the world that show signs of intelligence. These wonderful birds exhibit unusual behavior that only intelligent living creatures can do.

These birds have especial attributes that make them different from other birds. These birds can become wonderful pets too.

The amazing African grey parrot is one of the most popular one because of its ability to speak the words that they hear frequently. These birds can even call a person by his name every time they see that person. Many people are fond of keeping this bird as their pet because of its beautiful attributes.

They are able to repeat every word they hear regularly. Tell them bad words and they say them to you and tell them good words and they do the same. They can even imitate whistle if they hear it often. These talents of them make them entertaining and lovely pets.

Kea parrot, which can be found in New Zealand, has also an extraordinary attribute to be able to find ways and means if it is in trouble. Another bird which is extraordinary is the New Caledonia crows. These birds are very creative that they are able to build something out of the things they found in their surroundings.

Lovely as they can be, they can also create problems to humans; they are intelligent enough to find their way to avoid humans. That is why these birds are always driven away especially in urban areas.

Due to the pleasing characteristics of the above mentioned birds, they are often made as pets. However, before you decide to adopt these exotic birds in your household, consult first your vet for professional advice on how to take care of them.

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