A dog with prolapsed vaginal tissues would be a gruesome sight as this health concern would cause the swollen vaginal tissues that cannot be contained within the vagina to spill out and appear like a donut or lifesaver protruding from the vaginal lips. This condition is most common in young and unspayed dogs. Vaginal prolapse is often seen in Labrador Retrievers, Boxers, Mastiffs, GSDs, St. Bernard and in other large dog breeds.
The stimulation caused by estrogen results to the exaggerated swelling of the lining of the vagina. This condition occurs during or after the dog's estrus cycle. Swollen vaginal mucosa would bulge inside the vagina. The swelling of the vaginal walls will cause the tissues to spill out. Some breeds have a genetic tendency to develop this health concern. Constipation would cause the dog to strain and vaginal prolapse can develop because of prolonged straining. The swelling and the eversion of the vaginal walls can be due to a difficult labor. This condition can also occur when mating dogs are separated before the genital tie has ended.
A dog owner would easily notice the condition of the pet as the red and swollen mass of tissue would be seen protruding from the vagina. The discomfort will entice the dog to persistently lick the vulva. The blockage will make urination difficult and would prevent the dog from being mated. Vaginal prolapsed is a dangerous situation for pregnant bitch as delivering the puppies would be difficult because of the blockage in the vagina. Normal delivery for dogs with blocked vagina would be impossible thus a C-section will be necessary.
A dog with vaginal prolapse can be initially treated at home. The dog owner first aid measures must be geared towards preventing the dog from continuously licking the mass protruding from the vagina. To ward off infection; the mass must be cleaned with saline wash. Anti-inflammatory ointments and lubricating jellies are also necessary to keep the protruding mass from drying. The dog's bed or lying area must be well padded to prevent the tissues from being injured.
To prevent the dog from licking the vagina, doggie diapers or cone collars must be used. A dog with this condition would not really need immediate treatment if the blockage is not keeping the dog from urinating. But if the mass is already creating a blockage, the dog has to be taken to a veterinary facility for professional medical care. Hormonal therapy and a urinary catheter are the usual management procedures for vaginal prolapse. Dogs have the inclination to mutilate the protruding tissues and severe damage to the tissues can be resolved with surgery.
The stimulation caused by estrogen results to the exaggerated swelling of the lining of the vagina. This condition occurs during or after the dog's estrus cycle. Swollen vaginal mucosa would bulge inside the vagina. The swelling of the vaginal walls will cause the tissues to spill out. Some breeds have a genetic tendency to develop this health concern. Constipation would cause the dog to strain and vaginal prolapse can develop because of prolonged straining. The swelling and the eversion of the vaginal walls can be due to a difficult labor. This condition can also occur when mating dogs are separated before the genital tie has ended.
A dog owner would easily notice the condition of the pet as the red and swollen mass of tissue would be seen protruding from the vagina. The discomfort will entice the dog to persistently lick the vulva. The blockage will make urination difficult and would prevent the dog from being mated. Vaginal prolapsed is a dangerous situation for pregnant bitch as delivering the puppies would be difficult because of the blockage in the vagina. Normal delivery for dogs with blocked vagina would be impossible thus a C-section will be necessary.
A dog with vaginal prolapse can be initially treated at home. The dog owner first aid measures must be geared towards preventing the dog from continuously licking the mass protruding from the vagina. To ward off infection; the mass must be cleaned with saline wash. Anti-inflammatory ointments and lubricating jellies are also necessary to keep the protruding mass from drying. The dog's bed or lying area must be well padded to prevent the tissues from being injured.
To prevent the dog from licking the vagina, doggie diapers or cone collars must be used. A dog with this condition would not really need immediate treatment if the blockage is not keeping the dog from urinating. But if the mass is already creating a blockage, the dog has to be taken to a veterinary facility for professional medical care. Hormonal therapy and a urinary catheter are the usual management procedures for vaginal prolapse. Dogs have the inclination to mutilate the protruding tissues and severe damage to the tissues can be resolved with surgery.
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