Saturday, November 26, 2011

Certain Facts About Surgery To Stop Snoring

By Reuben Riggs

Snoring is a common problem which a lot of people suffer from. There are also a lot of methods available to overcome this problem. Such methods include the various home remedies. One can also use the various available stop snoring devices. However some people suffer from a very severe condition of snoring and thus the remedies mentioned do not help them to overcome their problem of snoring. This is when a surgery to stop snoring is often looked upon at.

One should always take into consideration the opinion of a good doctor before actually opting for the surgery. The proper decision would be made by the doctor on very carefully analyzing your condition. There is a likelihood of you being subjected to a sleep test. This test would involve making you fall asleep with the help of sedatives. The particular reason that is causing the snoring would thus be detected.

Depending on the cause of snoring, one among the many different surgical procedures would be carried out. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty is one of the most common types of surgery performed to cure snoring. It is also known as UPPP. It basically involves the removal of the tissues of the throat to clear it of any blockage that may exist. This blockage would be the cause of snoring. The parts of the soft palate and the uvula are basically removed. In certain cases the tonsils may also be removed.

Uvulopalatoplasty is one of the other commonly used techniques. It is also called as LAUP. This technique involves the use of laser. This technique is used to rectify the problem of snoring when it is caused due to the blockage of the air passage by the uvula. In order to prevent snoring due to the contact of the uvula with the throat, this procedure involves the cutting off of the uvula.

Genioglossus and thyroid advancement is also one of the techniques used to get over the issue of snoring. This is generally known as tongue suspension surgery. It is very obvious from the name that this surgery is basically performed to prevent the tongue from rolling back to the throat, when one is asleep. This is because one of the major causes of snoring is the tongue rolling back towards the throat thus blocking the air passage. Consequently if you suffer from snoring due to this reason then this surgery would surely help to rectify your problem. In this kind of surgery a screw is basically installed into the mandible. After this is done, stitches are applied to the area below the tongue. This surgery is actually reversible.

It is always a relief to know that the surgical treatments help to get rid of the problem of snoring permanently. After the successful completion of the surgery a person will get rid of all the stop snoring devices that had to be used before. Having said that, there are certain drawbacks that come with the surgical procedures as well. The expense of the surgery is one of the major disadvantages. One of the other negative aspects is the risks that come with surgery. There is a high probability of the surgery not being a success. The surgery may also lead to other complications.

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