Saturday, November 26, 2011

Different breeds of guinea pigs

By Alberto Mesa

I enjoy guinea pigs. Of all the animals that I have treat, guinea pigs are definitely the gentlest. They don't have a mean bone in their body and it's also challenging to feel that they were once capable of existing in the wild.

The Spaniards introduced guinea pigs to Europe in 1554. They obtained them from the Inca Indians of Peru who kept them for food from as early as 5000 BC.

These rodent-like pets no longer can be found in the wild. They're also known as cavies. Guinea pigs are extremely timid by nature. They're active in the day time and sometimes during the night. Guinea pigs are extremely vocal and this vocalization plays a significant part in socialization with other guinea pigs and human beings.

Guinea pigs adore company. Experts have counted a minimum of 11 different sounds that guinea pigs make in interacting with each other and their proprietors. Their social nature, personality and low maintenance make them exceptional pets.

What Guinea Pig Would Be Right For Me?

If you choose to buy 2 pigs, make them the two immature females. Males are a lot more energetic than females and mature larger. They also have a lot more smell. If you buy a male and also a female you will need to have the male neutered or be resigned to unlimited litters of baby pigs and also a shortened female life time. Females can become pregnant around 8 weeks of age, so it's very common to allow them to be already pregnant when you buy them at a pet store. If no males are present, there's no need to spay a female. Spaying a female guinea pig is significantly more costly than neutering a male. Locate a veterinary with extensive understanding of "pocket pets" to do this. The anethesia strategy is very different from that utilized with cats and dogs.

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