Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Rabbits & How East End Tick Control Services Benefit Them

By David Kellan

When discussing the most beloved pets in the world, rabbits tend to be overlooked. This shouldn't be the case, as these furry creatures can make welcome additions to various households, including those that have small children. Rabbits aren't unlike other pets, though, in the sense that they run the risk of carrying ticks with them. If you'd like to know how to protect your animal friend, here is some important organic tick control information to know.

Rabbits make great pets, but they can still attract ticks, especially if they spend ample time outdoors. The more time an animal spends out in the open, the more likely they are to bring various pests into the home with them. As companies like Alternative Earthcare will tell you, these include ticks. This is one scenario when a homeowner would be wise to get in touch with someone that offers east end tick control services.

Not unlike other animals, rabbits seem to have ticks in certain areas more than others. Inside and between the ears seem to be the most common areas, which makes sense given the space that said areas provide. It's not unfathomable for a pet owner to check these areas, only to notice small bite marks that seemingly came out of nowhere. Even though rabbits can be bitten in other areas, the ears are where the bulk of your attention should be focused.

Even though rabbits are known for attracting ticks, this doesn't necessarily mean that you can't protect your pet. First and foremost, thoroughly inspect your pet's fur in order to see any stray pests on them. Ticks are larger when they have consumed blood, which means that you may have an easier time spotting on than expected. Tick removal should be done with a pair of fine tweezers, not with your hands. This will ensure that the entire tick is removed.

You should also make it a point to groom your rabbit on a regular basis. A brush will not only help your pet's coat of fur remain strong, but you'll have a better chance of finding ticks as well. As a matter of fact, one of the main reasons why hares have ticks is because their owners failed to groom them. This act of brushing can make a huge difference, not only in terms of your rabbit's health but the bond you'll develop with your pet as well.

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