Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Feel Better With This Hypertension Treatment

By Noriko Videtto

Not all of the people with high blood pressure are taking pharmaceutical hypertension treatment. Thankfully, there are natural remedies for high blood pressure that you can take, without you having to worry about any possible side effects that may occur.

A good hypertension treatment would be to pay attention to what you're eating. Don't consume foods that are high in sodium, salt, and fats because this can raise blood pressure. Foods that are rich in flavonoids such as dark chocolate, citrus fruits, and tea as well as those with Omega-3 fatty acids such as fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables and cereals all can help to lower your blood pressure.

Foods high in potassium with help flush sodium from your body. Foods high in fibber will do wonders for your health. Brightly colored fruits and vegetables are chock-full of phytochemicals that can do wonders for your health. Saffron spice and cayenne pepper are also known to help lower high blood pressure. You can get the most out of eating raw garlic since it is known to help reduce blood pressure.

Be certain to sip plenty of water daily also. Ideally, you should have at least 8 glasses per day to help improve your condition.

To lower your blood pressure, there are herbal supplements that you can take. Some examples include those that contain hyssop, Valerian, and red clover. Get an okay from your physician before you consume supplements as some have side-effects and others may not work well with your medication.

Also one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar might be beneficial for high blood pressure, and can actually decrease your blood pressure within one week of using it. If the taste is too strong, you can dilute it in half a glass of water.

When you lose the extra weight, less pressure is put on your heart, which means that it won't need to work as hard to circulate your blood. You have to do exercises regularly and make it as part of your everyday routine. A gym membership isn't needed especially since you are on a low budget so do housework and take the stairs as alternate means of exercise. Even just a half-hour's worth of physical activity can go a long way in lowering your blood pressure.

Your blood pressure can shoot up with the effects of stress. Here are ways to learn how to handle stress. Try to eliminate the stressors in your life. If you're not able to do this, discover proven ways to cope with stressors. Picking up a hobby, playing soothing music, and spending some alone time every day can help you in managing your stress level and your blood pressure.

Natural hypertension treatment is a good way for you to treat your high blood pressure. Not only are these options safer, these are also much cheaper and can actually improve your holistic health.

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