Sunday, March 25, 2012

Can Snoring Be Heralding A Bigger Problem?

By Orsen Taylor

There are many jokes about snoring. In truth, it can actually be the hallmark of a rather serious health problem known as sleep apnea. People snore because of many reasons, and not all cases of snoring lead to apnea.

If you've tried lifestyle changes such as losing weight and quitting or reducing smoking and alcohol consumption in addition to changing your sleeping position - all without results, then you may want to consult with a physician to rule out sleep apnea. Sleep apnea sufferers stop breathing several times through the night while they sleep. Some individuals stop breathing as long as a minute, and this problem can occur hundreds of times per night.

This condition can be life threatening, so you should consult your doctor immediately. If you indeed suffer from sleep apnea, you probably also feel tired during the day.

There are treatments available that don't include surgical interventions. Your doctor will probably like to try these methods before resorting to surgery.

First of all, your doctor must determine which type of apnea you suffer from. There can be three distinct types of apnea: obstructive, central and mixed. Obstructive is the one you will hear the most about, since it's the most common one.

Once an assessment is in place, you and your doctor can come up with a solution. Your doctor can prescribe diet and exercise changes, steroid nasal sprays, thyroid replacement therapy, and even the use of CPAC (Continuous Positive Air Pressure) machines.

These treatments are not effective with every condition, but when used individually or in conjunction with other therapies, they are usually successful. Many people with sleep apnea often struggle with physical fitness.

It can truly be a vicious cycle, since suffering from apnea reduces the amount of energy available to the person to exercise during the day. You should seek medical advice if you weigh too much and suffer from sleep apnea. He or she may be able to prescribe medication for weight loss that will assist with both. Lack of action in dealing with sleep apnea could be the most dangerous thing you can do.

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