Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tips When Using Cones For Dogs

By Mattie MacDonald

There are certain times where pets incur injuries. A vehicle may have hit them all of a sudden while they run roaming a place. There are times where they are involved in a fight with another animal. There are also times where sharp objects may have hit them accidentally or they have fallen from higher places.

In these cases, they will certainly get cuts and wounds on their bodies and these need to be bandaged. Typically, they lick these wounds and chew on bandages which is why cones for dogs are being used by a lot of pet owners. However, some dogs typically do not want these items to be worn around their necks. In this case, there are several tips to help the dog out whenever he has to wear this item.

The product should be recommended by veterinarians. Its hole needs to fit properly to the neck of the animal. The veterinarian should be approving a certain product if it is bought by an owner on his own. It must not be very loose that could be easily removed. It must also not be very tight that the dog may feel pain because of the product rubbing on the skin.

If the dog is uncomfortable with the item on when he goes outside or through doors, he needs to be lead around for a few days. He will be assured that his safety is ensured when he goes to other areas with this thing on. If the pet is not budging, the individual should not be forcing him in going somewhere. In these instances, dogs will have lesser peripheral visions so he his path should be cleared from other objects.

The pet needs to eat food and drink water. However, with this thing around, he may find it hard to eat and drink. He may also cause a big mess on his spot yet will not be able to take in a lot. It will help if the bowls of food and water be placed in an elevated area. It will be easier for him to eat and drink.

The product should be regularly examined. The owner should also regularly examine the neck of his pet where the item is placed. The skin should not have signs of irritation or debris. If these signs are exhibited, then the doctor should be immediately contacted.

Cleanliness must be observed during these cases. Hair removal on the section should be done through the help of a small brush. The owner must clean the face as well without the product being removed unless there are instructions from the doctor allowing him to do so.

Short breaks can be taken where the item can be removed provided that the pet is fully supervised. However, an individual will have to ask permission from the doctor first. If the dog cooperates when the item is removed, then the veterinarian may agree to these breaks.

If there is no complaints coming from the dog wearing this stuff, the person can give him treats. This is usually a reward system for them to continue doing what their owners want them to regularly do. In extreme cases, administration of several sedatives might be done by the veterinarians. He is just taking the interest of the animal into consideration.

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