Monday, February 22, 2016

Dogs Are Eating Hamburgers These Days

By Endlcane Simmons

If you ask my family or friends, they'll tell you my dog is a carnivore. He'll rip apart anything that's meaty; rib-eye steaks, Angus beef, ground pork, turkey all the meats of the world is my dog's buffet and it's all thanks to me. I love giving my dog meat; anything meaty in my hands, my dog will devour; anything meaty I have for leftovers, my dog will suck it up like a vacuum. It's conclusive that my dog is a carnivore thanks to me. Don't worry, he eats his regular dog food.

Why do I love giving my dog meat? Is it something like a religious belief that I should make him eat meat all the time? Not exactly. It all began when I got my dog. The dog (a Siberian husky) was adopted from a dog pound. I remember the supervisor who gave him to me told me that the Husky had a habit of not eating anything. The Husky had no appetite for the dog food they served. I can tell this habit put a bit of unhealthiness into the Husky; he looked thin, he looked beat and he looked stressed. I still took the Husky in because I had that compassion to take care of this Husky back to health. When I got him, I went straight away to the pet store to buy dog food. When I got home, I immediately got a bowl, poured the dog food into it and let my new Husky eat. And just like what the supervisor said, Husky didn't have the appetite. This went on for days.

Raw food is what should be given to dogs. While it's just human food, giving dog's raw food is safe. They'll still be able to accumulate the protein from it. Also, tearing and ripping meat will strengthen the teeth of the dog so go for it. Don't be too sure about all patties. Some of them might be already expired. Some patties fed to dogs could cause the dog to vomit or poop out blood in their stool. The reason for this is there might bacteria left in the patty. Unlike humans who may be able to fight off the bacteria with their immune system, the dog's immune system might not be prepared for the bacteria so it will not be able to fend off the bacteria right away.

Having a burger with their meals can add a zest of flavor. Maybe they find their dog foods dull so why not give them a burger? It encourages them to have more nutrients. While it is good to see some dogs liking hamburgers, you should never heed to their interests in burgers. You always have to re-consider the burger. All burgers are not equal so that's why it's best not to give all the burgers you see. Some burgers may be harmful to dogs. It can cause the dog to vomit or to have blood in their stool. It may cause a dog health problems. Some burgers may have ingredients that are a no-no to them. But there are some burgers that are good for dogs but only in moderation. It's obvious that you can't feed them cooked burgers or anything mixed with toxic ingredients like onions. There are also some burgers made with all-natural ingredients which can be good for the dog to absorb.

Depending on the factors and consideration, you may or may not give your dog patties. Always think about the kind of patty you'll give. If you want to let your dog live a healthy and happy life, always give him the best food that will nurture him without any complications.

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