Friday, March 2, 2012

Facts On The Cat Obtainable From A Ragdoll Breeder

By Carmela Burgess

One of the most popular cat breeds in the world are ragdolls. The main reason for the popularity of this long-haired breed you can get from a ragboll breeder is because they are characteristically calm, easy-going, as well as loving.

Even if they possess these amazing traits, one must adequately research on this kind of cat so they can discern if this is one they find suitable. Traits that a certain person likes may not hold the same value to another.

The cats are one of the most recent developments in the history of the said animal. These were developed first in Riverside, California, during the 1960s by an enthusiast named Ann Baker. She first bred her cat that is white in color and has long hair with cats that she owned and found. The process yielded admirable results. She had kittens with temperaments and patterns she admired.

She continued the process by having the same cats, which had the best possible looks and traits, bred again until eventually, she had kittens with even better traits than their predecessors. This is why they are so popular to many.

It is a breed that is of the pointed type. These have feet, ears, and tail tip that are darker in color unlike other parts of their bodies. Their eyes are characteristically blue, and their hair lengths vary between medium to long.

It can also come in varied color patterns. These patterns are van, bicolor, colorpoint, and mitted. The breed also has different colors available. These are chocolate, red, lilac, cream, blue, and seal. The kittens are white and obtain their coat color after two years.

The cats from the shop of the ragboll breeder may look quite different, gender-wise. The female is not really big compared to the female when it comes to length and weight. The female weighs around ten and fifteen pounds while males have weights that lie between fifteen and twenty pounds. While the male reaches three feet, the female is shorter.

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