Friday, March 2, 2012

How to Overcome Your Panic Attacks Fast

By Jennie Strong

If you know someone prone to panic attacks, try and be a mindful of situations that you know may trigger an attack and avoid them. If you sense your friend or loved one is about to go into a panicked stage, speak in calm tones and distract them while you casually remove them from the situation.

Talk to your feelings out loud when you're having a panic attack. Let them know that you're the boss and that you really want them gone as quickly as possible because you refuse to be a host for their ridiculousness. Tell them that you'll be here when they're gone and that you'll always outlast them!

For advanced information on treatments and cures for panic attacks and general anxiety, I highly recommend you visit these blogs: Anxiety Relief Techniques & Anxiety Treatment

One thing that may help you feel a little better about your anxiety and panic attack is to understand that everyone at one point in their life will experience some sort of panic attack. Whether it be a mild or chronic attack, everyone will experience the fear and panic that is anxiety.

It's a scary thing to see your child having a panic attack. The first thing that you should do is to try to get them to slow their breathing down. Many anxiety attacks consist of rapid breathing. You child may not be able to gain their composure without the help of your guidance.

Look online to find a panic attack support group in your area. This is a great way to find out what other people are doing to help deal with their affliction, and it also gives you an outlet to talk and let out all your emotions ot people you can trust.

During a panic attack it's great to concentrate on what is great about yourself. Remember what you're good at, or things you've done for others lately. Maybe you're a kind person, or you have great empathy. All of the things about you which are amazing are what makes you you, so embrace them!

Concentrate on your navel during a panic attack. Sit or lie down and think about your navel, the center of your body. Your navel feels no tension nor pain and it is your connection to the people you love. Imagine a silver cord going from it to the person you love more than anyone else and then draw their strength through the cord into your body.

During a panic attack, one of the worst things you can do is allow the symptoms to get the best of you. Rather than trying to fight the attack, go with the flow. Use your imagination to pretend that the sensations are flowing around you rather than through you. Above all, concentrate on your breathing. Take slow even breaths, and try to remain calm. Eventually, the adrenalin will burn off, and you will feel yourself becoming more relaxed.

Eating multiple small meals a day can actually help keep panic attacks away. Your body will be sensitive to any sort of disruption, so keeping yourself from feeling hungry will ensure that you're satisfied and not searching out a meal. This is also a great way to keep your weight at a good level.

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