Friday, March 2, 2012

What Are The Reasons Why People Snore?

By Ashley Houston

There are so many anti-snoring products purported to cure snoring yet so many of us wonder what products are for real and what products are a sham. But really, why do people snore in the first place?

Indeed, this is the 64 million dollar/pound/Euro/rupee/etc. question for hordes of individuals around the world. There are countless products that promise an end to the suffering of snorers and the people who have to bear with their nightly racket, and because of this, it can be challenging to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Obesity is one of the many reasons why people snore, according to a few experts in the field. This reason why people snore is considered valid by said sources because the surplus fatty tissue in the individual's throat blocks airways while they sleep, causing vibration and making breathing harder than it should be for the sufferer.

In fact, various throat problems are said to be among the most commonly accepted reasons why people snore, including an irregular uvula. The uvula is the small skin that dangles in the back of the mouth and is easily visible. At night, it often rests in the back of the throat and causes restricted breathing. This phenomenon would trigger snoring whenever somebody with the problem goes to sleep.

The third widely accepted reason why people snore are enlarged tonsils. Whenever somebody's airways are blocked for whatever reason, that may cause snoring. Nasal passages can be blocked due to several medical conditions, such as allergies, colds, sinusitis and other affiliated illnesses and complications, and a common result of such conditions would be snoring.

Aging is a part of life, as we all know, and aging can often lead to a slew of potential health issues. Research has been conducted in recent years, revealing that snoring has some connection with aging, as the throat, as well as other parts of the body, tend to become less supple Another common reason why people snore is the fact that many individuals sleep on their back.

It has been observed for quite some time that back sleepers are more frequent sufferers of snoring than people who sleep on their stomach or on their side. The reason for this is quite simple - if somebody sleeps on his or her back, he or she would be letting the fatty tissue, among other parts of the throat, to nestle in the back part of the throat, thus clogging airways.

However, there may be an underlying cause to the snoring, and it might be an antecedent to a more grave and dangerous reason why people snore.

If an individual suffers from sleep apnea, he or she is at a greater risk of developing more serious ailments, including, but not limited those pertaining to the circulatory and/or cardiac system. An individual has to be very careful if this is the case, because as mentioned above, snoring is not as all simple as it appears, and may be a sign that something more serious may be developing.

Disclaimer - this is a purely informational article. It is not to be misconstrued as a replacement or augmentation for professional medical advice. An individual needs to consult with his/her doctor for prescription and remedies with regards to snoring problems.

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