Thursday, November 29, 2012

Common Pond Problems & How To Solve Them

By Roland Stockwell

While a large yard with a pond or lake can be beautiful, it is not particularly attractive if the pond water is green, slimy and murky. Owning this type of water feature does require some maintenance, so if you have a pond, consider the following maintenance tips which are both effective and natural.

A pond should have a certain amount of aquatic vegetation. After all, this protects the shoreline from erosion and creates feeding areas for any fish that live in your water. However, plants sometimes begin to grow out of control and need to be managed. If you have an excessive overgrowth of algae, there are several natural and safe products you can use to restore the plant balance in your pond.

Using a product such as Captain is an excellent option, especially if your pond is suffering from an abundance of some type of filamentous algae or perhaps even planktonic algae. Captain uses a 9% solution of double chelated copper to reduce the algae in a week or less. Best of all, this product will not harm fish or wildlife, humans who perhaps swim in the water or even livestock that might use the water for drinking.

Another way to keep that pond clean is to use a monthly maintenance product like the AquaSpherePRO. This safe product works via a natural strain of beneficial bacteria which work to eliminate algae overgrowth and keep water fresh, thus avoiding stagnation.

Each sphere lasts for 30 days, so at the end of the month, you simply add new spheres. The number of spheres you need depends upon the approximate amount of water in your lake or pond. This veterinarian-approved product is safe for people, pets and all wildlife, including fish.

If you want to have your pond showcase a beautiful sparkling glow, consider using a natural product such as SePRO Blue or perhaps SePRO Natural Reflection. Both of these items will reduce sunlight penetration and improve the reflective quality of your water, and both use non-toxic, environmentally-safe dyes to accomplish this goal.

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