Sunday, May 26, 2013

Agricultural Options that are Eco-Friendly

By Lianne Derocco

It is expected that farmers always ensure that their productivity is increased but the problem here is that many also tend to practice methods that could be harmful to the environment. One of the reasons for this is that many of the easily available farm inputs contain toxic elements which could contribute to environmental degradation. It is indeed ironic that while the problem of food production is being addressed, environmental degradation is the price. This is what many people would consider as problem with large-scale agricultural farms.

Not all farmers are unaware of the ways that farming could be carried out without the use of non-organic inputs, such as fertilizers and pesticides. There are those that seriously considering contributing to protecting the environment has decided to implement farming methods that are sustainable. These include techniques like crop rotation which effectively prevents the overuse of a certain nutrient in the soil. Aside from this, there are also farmers that have decided to use only chemical-free fertilizers. This leads to sustaining the health of the soil also.

Long ago, the only source of water that farmers rely on is rain. If there is a river nearby, they would manually transport water to the farm. Of course, it is clear that such methods of watering the farm do not ensure high productivity. It is fortunate that irrigation has since been introduced. It is in fact the most widely used method in supplying water to a farm. Through this, the farmer can control the amount of water given to the plants. Those farms that are not irrigated face problems in terms of productivity.

In livestock farming, there are also certain problems that farmers encounter which are related to environmental issues also. Among the most serious contributors to such problems is agricultural waste. It is obvious that agricultural waste is something that cannot be prevented in livestock farming. Its increase is inevitable if farmers wish to see a growth in productivity also. However, the effects of the pollution could certainly be reduced. Doing so would ensure the quality of the air and the groundwater, lessening the levels of toxicity.

There are certain products that have been made for the purpose of actually reducing the levels of toxicity in livestock farms. Among the most popular of these are Agra Sphere and the Lagoon Agra Sphere which are both meant for treating waste systems. Both are very powerful when it comes to controlling sludge and top-level crusting. By using these, farmers would not have to worry about poor air quality because of bad odors emitted by the farm.

Both Lagoon Agra Sphere and Agra Sphere do not contribute at all any harm to the environment. It is proven that such solutions are quite potent and have the capability of reducing crusting and sludge but these do not increase the toxic levels of the waste facilities in the process. The main reason for this is that both products are not chemical-based and have no toxic components at all. Instead, these contain good bacteria which are very active in combating the occurrence of sludge and top-level crusting.

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