Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Most Valuable Dog Training Atlanta Offers

By Vicki Diaz

No matter where in the United States you happen to live, there are dogs who need to be trained. Not in the sense of doing tricks or working for a circus of some kind. But rather obedience training. There are valuable lessons to be learned and the dog training Atlanta has in the city limits is some of the best you will find anywhere.

Dogs have been around for a long, long time. They have been trained by a large variety of people using a variety of methods. Of course just like anything else in this world there are things that work and things that do not. Among the methods that do not work there is one that not only fails, but basically should be stopped immediately.

There are those out there who use violence and fear as a training method. While it does get the dog to follow commands it does so through fear. Throughout the training the dog is routinely hit and scolded. Time after time the animal is hit and forced to endure pain. It gets to the point that the animal is so scared to get hit anymore he starts to learn what the master wants.

However, if the animal listens and know how to obey when you yell, "Come!" the animal will remain safe.. And alive. There is no dog out there that does not need some sort of training. Whether by its owner or a professional but they all need training. What you need to do is find the right place with the right people and the right methods.

These animals serve a very special purpose in our world. They have easily become our companions and much, much more to us. Anyone who has ever had a dog knows just how special they are. Each one is unique and while they do need some sort of obedience training in order to lead a safe and productive life, there is no valid or justifiable reason to ever hurt one of them.

When these situations take place the animal is fighting for its life, because it feels like it has to based on passed experience. This is why punishment and violence style trainers should all be banned from ever being around any animals. They put them into a constant state of fear and that just simply is not right.

The reward system is the best program and one used all over the country. To put it very simply you reward the dog every time it does what you want it to. The reward can be food, a treat, or even a favorite toy. Dogs are not all that picky. Whatever it is that makes them happy will work as a reward. All you want to reinforce is the fact that following command will get it what it wants.

The dog training Atlanta has in the area works because the people involved make it work. You must meet with these people before enrolling your pet in their programs. You must make sure that you know what their methods are and that you agree with them. You should never allow your pet to be trained by people who believe fear is a valuable tool.

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