Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Toxins In Manure & How To Eliminate These

By Lianne Derocco

Swine feeds usually have lots of ingredients in their feeds, and this includes not only the organic ingredients like corn, soya meal, fish meal, and others but also chemicals and antibiotics incorporated in the feeds. The feeds are not digested a hundred percent and the hog waste excreted contains this undigested food and also some of the chemicals mixed. Bacteria and toxins coming from the waste will come in contact with the soil. Phosphorous coming from the swine excrete will also pose risks to people when the manure is used as fertilizer by people and this is mixed in the soil.

The swine manure in itself already contains several bacterial pathogens that can pose risks to people. The waste itself already contains ammonia and sulfides which when inhaled, can be harmful. Swine feeds are bombarded with chemicals, antibiotics, and growth promoting ingredients which ultimately end up in the hog waste. From this waste can contain the resistant bacteria already antibiotic-resistant strains, and this is not good to people. A lot of toxic materials can come up from this animal waste, which people also use as fertilizer.

Ammonia, sulfides, carbon monoxide and dioxide, and also methane and other gases harmful to people can already be in the hog wastes, and when in very large doses, can be very harmful. These gases can be very toxic to humans and even small doses can cause nausea, headaches, respiratory problems, and also a source of discomfort to people as well as the hogs themselves. For this reason, hog farmers are properly disposing the animal wastes due to the high danger these wastes give to people and also the animals. For this reason, lagoons are made, for the holding of these wastes.

In the lagoons and waste pits are placed the hog wastes, and water is used to spray and clean the wastes and led into the canals and ultimately into the pits. There are seepages that may happen though in the canals and the pits, and this is a big possibility. There is a big possibility that these harmful substances will mix with the groundwater, when these seepages occur, thus posing a great danger to humans. Placing liners in the lagoons to prevent seepages are done by the hog farmers, and also chemicals added.

In the lagoons and pits, foam will build up on the surface, especially when the volume of hog waste is already high. The foam and underneath this is already very toxic and dangerous because the gases are trapped, especially the methane build up underneath. There can also be sludge and crusts in the lagoons building up in huge volumes, making the pumping out of these wastes very difficult. The hog farmers are coming out with their solutions to this.

They have the solution in Activator Plus and also AgraSphere, where their lagoon and pit concerns are already solved. Activator Plus is the chemical used that helps break down the animal waste by enhancing natural bacteria and enzymes in the waste. AgraSphere is their solution in the sludge and crust build up where it is just placed directly into the problem areas. The product is just tossed directly into these areas where sludge and crust are heavy and waste remedial solutions are then easy to implement.

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