Thursday, May 30, 2013

Rare Breed Chickens Around The World

By Frances Keith

In the world of farming, raising poultry is actually one of the most lucrative ways to earn a living in this type of field. Although selling regular eggs and meat from a normal chicken is already quite lucrative enough, it is even better to raise rare breed chickens because their eggs and meat are of higher quality. So for those who are thinking of entering this kind of industry, here is a list of different varieties.

A very popular variation of chicken is the black Penedesca which is very well loved by many farmers in this industry. These kinds are actually very special because they can lay eggs at a very young and fresh age. The only thing that farmers must watch out for would be the temper of these birds because they have the tendency to get really fierce.

The Dorkling is a very beautiful variation that has very pretty silver feathers and is known for its tasty white meat. Unlike the Penedesca which can be quite fierce toward its owner, the Dorkling is a very peace loving bird and is very friendly. They can produce eggs that are really big but other than that, their produce is like any other regular egg.

The black Sumatra is one that is known for its intelligence and is actually known to be one of the smartest breeds in the entire world. They are also known to be very noisy and can make sounds that no other types of roosters can actually make. Although they are not considered as farm animals, they can be raised and used for producing very white eggs.

Now if one does not like to take time to tame birds, then the Ameraucana would actually be the easiest to domesticate. They are so obedient that they do not even make a noise when they see their food coming. Aside from being very friendly, they can also produce very delicious eggs that have a unique colored shell that is somewhat green or even bluish.

Another very obedient and domesticated bird is the Orpington which can also be easily tamed. In fact, they can just stay in one place and wait for instructions just like a regular dog or a cat. They are also one of the biggest kinds of chickens in the entire world and they can also make really big eggs.

One of the best and a favorite among farmers is the Spanish Oiloas which can obviously only be found in a few areas in Spain. Not only are they extremely intelligent and perceptive, but they are also very pretty and have very shiny feathers. Their eggs are also very beautiful as they are known to be very bright and are actually colored gold.

Rare breed chickens are usually used for high end products like high quality meat and high quality eggs that are usually served in posh restaurants. The reason why these are used for high end markets is simply because these birds are hard to breed. Also, the meat that they produce have a unique and unbelievable taste.

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