Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Hot Spots & How Electromagnetic Therapy For Dogs May Help

By Robin Setser

If you don't know what hot spots are, they are essentially irritated areas of the dog's skin caused by certain factors. Whether they're related to pest exposure, grooming issues, or what have you, it's important to know how hot spots can be healed. Fortunately, there are a few methods that can benefit your pet's wellbeing, PEMF treatment for dogs included. With the following information in mind, hot spot development will be a non-issue.

Before knowing how to treat your dog's hot spots, it's important to understand where this problem stems from. According to companies such as Assisi Animal Health, this is the direct result of skin irritation. For example, if your dog is playing outside and they get bitten by a stray tick, it wouldn't be unfathomable for a hot spot to form on the skin. This is just one example, but know that skin irritation is the trigger.

Some dogs are at greater risk of developing hot spots than others, but this isn't usually associated with gender or even age. More than anything else, it comes down to the type of fur that a canine has. For example, a longhaired breed like a Yorkshire Terrier is more likely to develop a hotspot than a shorthaired breed such as a Basset Hound. In the case of the former, more thorough grooming will be required.

After you have seen a hot spot, don't fear. You will be able to bring your pet to the veterinarian to see what they recommend. As far as treatment methods are concerned, PEMF treatment for dogs is among the most unique. With its use of electromagnetic waves, your dog will feel relief in no time, not to mention experience quickened healing. For concerned pet owners, this is a topic worth bringing to your vet's attention.

Along with the treatment method discussed earlier, your vet may tell you that your dog needs to be better groomed. Believe it or not, this is one of other reasons why hot spots developed, as their fur isn't maintained as well as it should be. Furthermore, you might be prescribed antibiotics, which your dog should take as listed on the bottle or packaging. If even a single dose is missed, healing won't be as effective.

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