Friday, October 12, 2018

Before You Buy A Dachshund Puppy For Sale

By John Smith

Everyone you know in your life has a pet and you are thinking perhaps that you want one too. You saw a dachshund puppy for sale sign earlier and you are thinking that this might be the right dog for you at this time. Before you do go out and buy that dog however, do read on more about this particular breed before making a commitment.

Two hundred dollars to as much as one thousand dollars is the amount that you should prepare to spend for purchasing this puppy. The differences and variations in the prices per puppy is caused by differences in local demand and supply conditions, the overall reputation and prestige of the kennel that you buy from plus if the puppy has champion stock or not.

Specifically bred for hunting, the dachshund, or rather badger hound, came about in the seventeenth century in Europe. Its rather strange and sausage like body and short legs have a special purpose, in that they enable it to crawl into burrows and holes when chasing burrowing prey like rabbits, hares, possums and badgers. As it was originally a hunting dog, it is still classified as such in the dog registry world, which is that of a hunting hound.

Definitely a small dog, the breed at maturity will have a weight of anywhere from sixteen to thirty two pounds and stand at most eight to nine inches from ground to shoulder. It is a dog that may be more likely prone to small dog syndrome, and will exhibit this tremendously.

Small dogs are known to make up or compensate for their small statures by developing or adopting a behavior set called small dog syndrome. This behavior is characterized by overly hyper activity and a bit of aggressiveness also. In the dachshund, the aggressiveness is more pronounced and this is probably due to their having hunting hound genes. They have been known to bite strangers one of five times and do snap at their owners from time to time. They are the second most aggressive dog on the planet next to the Chihuahua.

Regardless of exhibited aggressive natures, they on the other hand make good family pets and their playful natures make them good children. You do however have to keep an eye on them from time to time as they will be wary of strangers and other animals they are not familiar with. When getting this dog, you may have to get used to it barking and howling a lot.

This particular breed has legendary wanderlust. What this means is that if it has the opportunity to walk around its own, it will do so and probably it will never return. Thus if you want to keep it in a yard, it is best to have it fenced in or on a leash at least. Many do opt to keep this dog inside due to its small size, but you should make this decision with a bit of caution. By keeping the dog indoors a majority of the time will cause it to be obese and unhealthy. Thus when keeping it inside, ensure that it has a good balanced diet and that it also gets plenty of exercise.

This article hopefully has given some important baseline information that you can think about before make a final purchase and commitment. If you feel that you still need more information perhaps you can also make additional researches covering grooming tips and also health concerns and complications.

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