Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Your Pet Dog Wants A Dog Bed

By Ron E. Hester

In years, our dilemma was finding our 135 pound Newfoundland dog sleeping on our bed or couch every time we get back from a walk. To settle this issue, we bought him his own memory foam bed and now he sleeps there. This memory foam bed operates just like the ones we humans use. Both humans and dogs enjoy the same benefits of support, and most beneficial for old dogs with joint problems.We placed his bed at the foot of our bed under the ceiling fan. More than once did we saw him sleeping on his back, his belly up, and his fur, swaying to and fro. He seems to be having a nice time in dreamland.

He is one contented dog!

Our dog is getting older so we strive to maintain his physical fitness and happy disposition so he can be with us for a long time.BooBoo, as we so affectionately call him, is a most precious part of our lives, and we do spoil him, but not to the extent to be detrimental to his health. We monitor his food intake, and see to it that it's not beyond the limit and the food he eats is healthy. Even his treats are healthy. He tends to swallow his food and water, like most animals do.In a matter of seconds, his food disappears.

He's a water drinker and I observed that he would guzzle it down as well. We researched and established the fact that gulping food is harmful to our digestive system. Aside from the effects on our digestive tract, other symptoms such as nausea and eating disorders can occur. There was this container that we found for him. It controls the momentum of his eating and drinking. I think we should have one too for ourselves because we often like to speed up everything including our drinking and eating.

I'm not sure if you have seen a Newfoundland dog. It's breed has a very thick coat that sheds a lot of oily dander. Regarded as rescue dogs, Newfoundlands' waterproof double coat protects them from the chill of the icy waters. Yet, it can be depressing for him during the summer season.

A lot of hair falls out from his fur. His fur secretes a particular smell. For the duration of the winter season, he starts to smell bad. His coat takes a while to get dry that is why we don't like to bathe him during winter. Therefore we had to find another option on how to bathe our dog. Truly, we found it. We stumbled upon an incredible brush. It is an ionized brush that uses negative charges for cleaning, removing odors, and untangling fur. Water or any chemical is unnecessary.So now during the winter months, BooBoo smells and feels as clean during the summer ones, and everyone is happy.

We certainly spoil our pets. Nevertheless, they give back so much.To keep your dog healthy, make sure he/she gets plenty of exercise, good, healthy food and water, and rest - and oh the most important part, an abundance of love.

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