Sunday, January 27, 2013

Animal Urine And Pet Clean Up Products

By Philip Smith

If you are a domestic pet owner you may have the problem of your pets peeing inside your home. Pets can be trained to do their thing outdoors but one has to know how this is accomplished. Pet clean up products is an alternative solution to smelly messes left on the kitchen floor or on the sides of sofas.

This concept can be taught though by people who are adept at working with animals. People and service providers such as these understand the inner workings of animal behavior. A wild animal just like a domestic one urinates for various reasons.

Not only is this a healthy bodily function as without the ability to urinate animals as well as humans would soon die from the inability to pass urine. Animals however have other innate reasons as to why they urinate. It can be coined by the term selective urination. What this means is that an animal chooses where it wants to do his or her thing and does not urinate without a specific intention.

Animals too purchase a deed of sale so to speak. When walking their territory they urinate on old tree stumps and other landmarks where they have smelled the passing of other predators. The chemicals in the urine are their own unique deed of sale stamped with a good dose of aggression as in the case of lions.

These remedies do work but are short lived. Chemical technology has taken cleaning pet urine to a new level. Studies are continuously being carried out and researched as to which chemicals work best not only to remove the stench that urine and faeces leave behind but also chemicals that can deter your friendly pooch from doing his business inside at all.

For microbiologists and manufacturers alike the information hidden in these chemicals provide clues as to how to develop a pet clean up product of note. Continuous research is carried out in this regard. Not only to deter a domestic animal from urinating in your home but to eliminate those smells that humans find so nauseating.

These cannot be smelled by the human nose. They are chemicals that are released when urinating to inform other same typed species as to whether an animal is at time of heightened sexual activity. Studies are carried out with regard to these chemicals too as they are known to lure animals back to the same spots where others last urinated.

Choosing the most desirable pet clean up products from the shelf of your local pet supply store is not a simple task as the variety of products to choose from can be overwhelming especially should you not be a microbiologist in this field of study. It is advisable to ask questions. Further studying and research of these products is enlightening and will stand you in good stead in finding a product of choice.

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