Friday, February 22, 2013

Alaskan Malamute Training - Tips That You can Utilize

By Abigail Fischer

The family dog can be such a fantastic family member. But just like kids, they do not naturally learn good behavior on their own, hence making it hard for you to take them out in public places or have company over without correct dog training. Take time to read this article and use some of the Alaskan Malamute training suggestions listed here to get your pet dog on the road to obedience.

Begin training your Alaskan Malamute as early in his life as possible, but not younger than around seven weeks. This helps create an early bond between you as the owner and the dog. Nevertheless, starting too early will simply overstress the dog; a very young pup will not learn anything from training sessions.

Utilize same simple words in a low, firm tone of voice, each time you give your canine companion a command. Don't shout or repeat the command multiple times. Say it once, firmly and then, help the dog in complying if he doesn't understand. You also have to get in the habit of only giving your canine a direct command one time. It will seem easy to just repeat it again and again until he responds but don't do that. Instead, revisit the training until your furry friend understands that you expect him to react the first time you say something.

During Alaskan Malamute training sessions, make sure to keep your furry friend energetic by providing him with fun and exciting activities. Dogs get bored just as easily as man so it helps if you take him out for walks and runs. Exercise can help him improve not just physically but also mentally.

As you progress in training your furry friend, only give rewards for obedience the first time you give a command such as "come" or "sit". The dog will quickly understand that it is easier to get the reward by obeying the first command than having you repeat it and not provide the reward. Do praise the dog when he finally obeys, but save the treats for fast obedience. This also prevents him from becoming treat-dependent which will only obey when there's a treat.

This article hopefully gave you some tips and concepts on training your furry pet. Since they're still animals at heart it does take a little work, and a little method. However, there's a lot of important information from this article that can get you started on Alaskan Malamute training.

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